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  1. L

    B Economics

    If you wanna become a professional economist or want to go into pursure research/academic work then youll need to do honours in economics. In usyd honours starts in 2nd yr with pre honours course (so basically preparing you for honours). This continues into 3rd yr and then u have to keep a...
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    Commerce to Commerce Liberal studies

    Answers - 1) considering doing it if I dont get into honours for economics or graduate law. 2) I have done 2 history subjects (in 1st yr) 3) Im not sure field i want to work in ...still tossing up my options. 4) Uai was in the high 98 range..GPA is close to a D..depends on this...
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    Commerce to Commerce Liberal studies

    Possible to transfer?
  4. L

    Which unis have a graduate law program?

    Hi guys Just wondering which unis have a grad. law program. I am aware of the entry requirements at Usyd, but am unsure about UNSW and other Unis. Any help would be much appreciated. thanks
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    ARGH ... what should I do?!

    lol who told u usyd comm faculty is terrible? some say its too hard, but terrible i havent heard before. i dont know anyone who would consider transferring to UTS (from usyd eheh) i recommend usyd commerce, but if youre gonna do accounting than UTS is prolly as good. econ and finc, sydney is...
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    actuarial, law or comp sc?? - help!!!

    i believe international students also have to take an english examination to coem study in this country? dunno if it applies to all students though.
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    Economics at UNSW or USYD?

    check out their website
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    usyd open day volunteers~~

    heehe.. chess club
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    Top Uni's For Various Areas of Study

    wow..i never knew tony blair's wife is QC haha they have an international terrorist in their alumni list Omar Sheikh (international terrorist)
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    Economics Assessment : Fiscal Policy + 05 Budget

    for question 3 - examine what fiscal policy involves- government manipulation of the budget to influence the economy. Now a deficeit budget acts as an injection stimulating growth [or thats what it should do]. Growth however leads to increased demand, particularly for imported goods, which...
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    Incomes of careers

    yes but i was wondering what sort of criteria they use....
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    Economic Growth Q

    Simple multiplier refers to the multiplied effect of an injection into the economy. This is the result of the induced spending or flow on effect of an injection on the rest of the economy. Similarly, the same is true for a leakage eg. savings and taxation.
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    Incomes of careers

    thats 90k plus bonuses at the top banks- Goldman, Merry Lynch, Macquarie. I'm curious about what the requirements are for graduates to get into these banks. Does anyone have insight into this? From what I've gathered its usually a D-HD average, very strong extra curricular and some relevant...
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    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    thanks minai yeh it appears the interview is what sets you apart from the rest of the crowd and your marks and extra activities simply act as minimum criteria for entry. also, could anyone else who has recently received graduate offers, please offer us some insight into what marks, work...
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    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Minai Could you please tell us what sort of marks, work experience and extra curricular activities you had to land that job? thanks :)
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    Songs you would recommend to others

    eagles - hotel california (live)- this song sounds amazing live
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    Dual Honours

    Is it possible to do honours in both ECON and FINC in my B.Comm degree?
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    For first years: What would you like to see more from the commerce society (COMSOC)

    i forgot to join comsoc. im in 2nd yr. how and where do i join up? thanks