Search results

  1. Hypermelon

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    + cheers for the bigger profile pictures and fixing the profile bug
  2. Hypermelon

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    we can customize profiles Upload photos join groups wow this is more like . . . a social networking site
  3. Hypermelon

    The School where everyones a genius

    IQ of teachers≠students
  4. Hypermelon

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    ooo <b>blog</b> feature + do i <i>have</i> to enter a mobile number when editing my details? coz i get this message: vBulletin Message You did not enter the correct format for the Mobile Number field. Please read the field description for the expected format. i don't want to...
  5. Hypermelon

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    :o hooray for more search options . ..
  6. Hypermelon

    What games are you playing now during the holidays?

    Re: 回复: Re: What games are you playing now during the holidays? Final fantasy xii super mario on zsnes emulator . ..
  7. Hypermelon

    What computer

    Asus M51Sn it looks alright ASUS M51Sn C1 - Core 2 Duo T5750 2 GHz - 15.4" TFT price comparison
  8. Hypermelon

    Animorphs or Goosebumps?

    still animorphs
  9. Hypermelon

    How did you go in your semester 2 report?

    Did the same for last term, 1 b the rest all A's And for the same subject again . . . english surprised with the A for PE. Got dux though. and i gots a shiny medalz
  10. Hypermelon

    Animorphs or Goosebumps?

    I used to watch goosebumps on VHS and i only read the animorphs books because of the covers. i was like whoa, thatz luhkz awesum i never got past the front page tho
  11. Hypermelon

    Bush dodges again!

    great reflexes . . .
  12. Hypermelon

    Anyone going for their Learner's Licence?

    I already got Mine :D I can get my p's at the end of june next year, when i turn 17
  13. Hypermelon


    Bebo=lame and its full of narcissistic people. At least they're trying to be oh and all the photos on there, all the tween girls . . . tragic Facebook>myspace>bebo
  14. Hypermelon

    Best game of all time??

    Mario kart on the NES nothing can ever beat it
  15. Hypermelon

    What Bugs Me!!!

    Woo. im one of those people. and i love it guess its in my genes . . . when i actually spend time on assessments or study before exams i get below average ;S almost stuffed up my run for this year.
  16. Hypermelon

    Do you like maths?

    Maths is Awsome ranked no.1 at my school Next year im doing a Double Major in specialist maths (year 11 ACT) AND a minor at the ANU (hopefully if i get accepted into their secondary college) Its like an extension course but you go into number patterns and weird stuff. Apparently the last test...
  17. Hypermelon

    Do you like maths?

    Maths is sexy. Teachers at my school said so
  18. Hypermelon

    What Math textbook do you use?

    maths quest 5.3 found 1 mistake. They forgot to halve an answer all maths classes at my school use different textbooks older teachers=old scrappy signpost textbooks
  19. Hypermelon

    Leaving Assignment to Last Day

    i hate it when teachers do a checkup on your assignments to see if you have been working on it. I just pull out the excuse 'it's at home' i'm always leaving assignments unti the last day because i work better under pressure. I always get A's but i know i have to change my habits. At least im...