ooo <b>blog</b> feature
+ do i <i>have</i> to enter a mobile number when editing my details? coz i get this message:
vBulletin Message You did not enter the correct format for the Mobile Number field. Please read the field description for the expected format.
i don't want to...
Did the same for last term, 1 b the rest all A's
And for the same subject again . . . english
surprised with the A for PE.
Got dux though. and i gots a shiny medalz
I used to watch goosebumps on VHS
and i only read the animorphs books because of the covers. i was like whoa, thatz luhkz awesum
i never got past the front page tho
and its full of narcissistic people. At least they're trying to be
oh and all the photos on there, all the tween girls . . . tragic
Woo. im one of those people. and i love it
guess its in my genes . . .
when i actually spend time on assessments or study before exams i get below average ;S
almost stuffed up my run for this year.
Maths is Awsome
ranked no.1 at my school
Next year im doing a Double Major in specialist maths (year 11 ACT) AND a minor at the ANU (hopefully if i get accepted into their secondary college)
Its like an extension course but you go into number patterns and weird stuff. Apparently the last test...
maths quest 5.3
found 1 mistake. They forgot to halve an answer
all maths classes at my school use different textbooks
older teachers=old scrappy signpost textbooks
i hate it when teachers do a checkup on your assignments to see if you have been working on it. I just pull out the excuse 'it's at home'
i'm always leaving assignments unti the last day because i work better under pressure. I always get A's but i know i have to change my habits. At least im...