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  1. tommykins


    If y = mx+k is a tangent to the hyperbola x²/a²- y²/b² = 1, show that m²a²-b²=k². Subbing in gets messy, I'm trying to figure out what the m²a²-b²=k². could possilby physically mean. Help = love.
  2. tommykins


    Any of my fellow 08'ers indulge in some form of dancing? If so, fill this out =D 1. What dance do you do? 2. What inspired you to do the dance? 3. How long have you been at it? 4. How much do you practice a week? 5. Who are your idols? 6. If there was another dance yuo could do, what...
  3. tommykins

    Polynomial - Approximating Roots

    Hrm, I don't quite get the process for this question, the answer is 0.77. a)The polynomial equation 4x^3 - x^2 + x - 2 = 0 has a root near x = 0.6 Using 2 applications of newton's method, find the approximation root, correct to 3 decimal places. EDIT - GOT THIS, I FUCKING WROTE 4x^3 -...
  4. tommykins

    Quick integration between curves

    how to find the area between x² + 2x -8 and 2x+1 ? I was away today and i missed out on the lesson. I can do all the questions in the text book but ahve no idea how to approach this one. Thanks in advance.
  5. tommykins

    Logical question ..

    This was in my 2unnit paper, and I shouldnt care (since i do 4u) about the mark but this question is seriously bugging me, I need to get it out of my system. Q is - Guy opens museum and the first day he accumulates 468 visitors, and every passing day, there is one-third of the visitors from...
  6. tommykins

    Need help on speech + analyse film.

    Hello, I'd like some help analysing a film for my assessment task coming up. It is a speech, and basically - I'm speaking in front of HSC students/teachers/old people at a launch for a collection of texts entitield "Journeys : The Road to Wonderful Unpredictability ". The speech requires...
  7. tommykins

    Am I compatible for Extension 2?

    I go to an average selective school (Caringbah High 46th in state last year) and am thinking of taking up Extension 2. My marks go as this (for yearlies) 2unit - 77/84 (92%) and 30-40/140 rank. 3unit - 68% (forgot the mark) 30-40/110. Throughout the year, I've been average 80+ in...
  8. tommykins

    Pokemon Team.

    What would be your dream pokemon team? Rules are - 6 pokemon, each automatically level 100. Each with 4 moves with no restrictions but obviously only the moves they can learn. Stats remain the same as it'd be a bitch to change/balance it. No legendaries (Ho-Oh etc. etc.) I'll post mine up soon.
  9. tommykins

    Teenage Flag Burner Visits Kokoda,22049,21501509-5006009,00.html?from=public_rss As some of you may remember, a teenager of Middle-Eastern descent (is this politically correct enough Exphate?) was convicted for vandalism (as far as I can see it) for burning the Australian flag...