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  1. W


    Help please, thanks. ∫dx/[x√(1-x²)]
  2. W

    Need help with random acidic environment topics.

    - What's the difference between amphiprotic and amphoteric? - Equilibrium of carbon dioxide in water: CO2 + H2O <--> H2CO3. Using Le Chetalier's principle, explain what happens when sodium hydroxide is added. - Potassium carbonate is basic. Justify. :eek: Thanks
  3. W


    We're going to be doing titrations for our prac exam. Is there anything I should look out for and be aware of?
  4. W

    Circle Geometry

    The two questions I need help are from Year 12 Cambridge 3U, page 376 Q18. Question is: Prove the following general cases: a) The direct common tangent f two circles touching externally is the geometric mean of their diameters (ie the square of the tangent is the product of the diameters). b)...
  5. W

    Conic help, please

    Help me with hyperbolas, please. This question is from Terry Lee's book, page 118. Question is: For a point P on the hyperbola x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 = 1, using the definiation of the hyperbola, show that |SP - S'P| = 2a, where S and S' are the foci. I looked in the worked solutions and they...
  6. W

    Assessing reliability of websites.

    Is there a thread on here explaining the reliability/validity of a website? :/
  7. W

    Ranking of your school

    Does the ranking of your school play a role in your HSC? (Sorry if this is in the wrong section)
  8. W

    Ranking of your school

    Does the ranking of your school play a role in your HSC? (Sorry if this is in the wrong section)