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  1. KirrynAlane

    Am I Screwed?

    clearly you should start studying now. my time table is virtually the same. 19th - eng 22nd - eng 24th - chem 26th - maths 29th- society 30th - bio START NOW AND YOU WILL BE FINE. :)
  2. KirrynAlane

    What have you eaten today?

    boiled egg 3 peices of toast 6 dark chocolate malteasers (baha, precise or what?) sausage pumpkin n eggplant fritter salad tiny lemon tart thing grapes/strawberries
  3. KirrynAlane

    What have you eaten today?

    wholegrain toast w/ avocado cupcake carrot sticks apple mandarin yoghurt mint slice garlic toast <3 asian greens n lamb stirfry cupcake green tea geez i ate a bit lol
  4. KirrynAlane

    rock music with amazing piano

    dishwalla. fucking <3
  5. KirrynAlane

    General Mathematics Paper - Thoughts?

    ah, thanks lol. i dont think i did that one... although, i didnt really look at the front of my paper hahaha.
  6. KirrynAlane

    Has Anyone...

    ok, i shall. its only a crappy subject for me cuz i have a sexist, racist teacher :S and she thinks shes 'socially and culturally literate'. my arse she is. hmph.
  7. KirrynAlane

    screwed up first two assessments for most subjects

    bahaha im so confused lol. oh well. whatever. im not aiming for a UAI in particular, so ima give up trying to understand where the actual mark will come from :S
  8. KirrynAlane

    General Mathematics Paper - Thoughts?

    this might be a stupid Q... i dont know... but how do u kno if ur paper was the CSSA one??? lol
  9. KirrynAlane

    Has Anyone...

    actually, im looking at past hsc papers and IM SHITTING MYSELF. It really is hard, for a crappy subject.
  10. KirrynAlane

    Has Anyone...

    ummm. Islam, Vietnam and Pop Culture.... why? *is scared* were your option questions very hard?
  11. KirrynAlane

    Has Anyone...

    Done their society and culture trial yet? im totally confused about what areas to study etc. please help!
  12. KirrynAlane

    screwed up first two assessments for most subjects

    only ur HSC mark goes towards ur UAI. the uni's dnt even look at ur assessment mark. at least, thats what ive been told by numerous teachers, etc.
  13. KirrynAlane

    Help - annuities

    find out what 'M' means in the one of the equations. thats the difference between them. like, if they need $25000 in 20 years and you need to calculate the lump sum then u use the one without 'M' in it. lol ... i think. my brain is fried, i jst did my trial maths exam today hahaha :S
  14. KirrynAlane

    English and UAI

    apparently we have to do english because the select few that go to uni need to know how to write essays etc. in the good old days, the universities found that people who didnt do english in yr 11/12 couldnt write essays... or some such. GAHHH.
  15. KirrynAlane


    Dont freak out. just look at you calendar and put down what to study for on what days. helps me relax neways. *shrugs*
  16. KirrynAlane

    If you could go back to...

    I would have done Retail Art Photogprahy Music (maybe... hmm) Bio and Adv Eng (which i do now neways) funnily enough I wouldve chosen subjects im actually GOOD AT. *sigh*
  17. KirrynAlane


    haha. well i guess ill just wait till im 18 n see what happens *shrugs*
  18. KirrynAlane

    The "CANT STOP BLUDGING" topic

    I just totally have this idea that nothing even counts until the HSC. I mean, uni's dont even look at ur assesment mark ffs. Unless you like dispute the uai they give u... or something :S hence the bludging. *sigh*
  19. KirrynAlane

    Are you going to keep studying after trails?

    im planning on studying one subject a week up until stuvac and then get everything in order and hopefully it will all be sweet. *deep breaths*