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  1. drolle

    I know I'll regret this, but...

    Yes please! I live on 4u maths questions! :D well.... maybe not... but I'd be happy to help answer problems, and helping other people is pretty much all I ever did in 2u and about 50% of 3u anyway, and I find I quite enjoy it. I doubt there'll be any problems that BJ or spice girl or the...
  2. drolle

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    I guess the problem here is that we have different ideas of what we mean by "work" and "easy". For me, I used to do maths problems all the time, and still do, because I find them fun and stimulating, and that was basically my only study for maths. For some people, doing the stuff I did would...
  3. drolle

    Anybody here from NMSS or ISS?

    If anyone went to NMSS or ISS, it'd be cool if you let me know, I'd like to know who you are when I'm reading your posts (especially re HSC marks and UAIs), since so far I've only seen one person I know, and they only posted once! Or for that matter, anyone going to this year's NMSS tell me...
  4. drolle

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    I definitely disagree with this, my motto in life is that it's possible for everything to be easy, and so far I've found nothing to dispute it. You can only say what works for you or people you've talked to, and you can't even ever really know exactly what it was that gave you those extra...
  5. drolle

    regional schools - how did you go?

    I go to a regional school with about 100 ppl in year 12, and as far as I know we've got a 96 (me), two 93s, and two 91s, which isn't too bad. I did about 5 hours study per exam, but those of you who've read my posts would be getting sick of me saying that by now :), however I'm good friends...
  6. drolle

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    I made a post in the UAI thread that probably should have gone in this one: I think the *huge* amounts of study option, that most people seem to be advocating, is fairly effective, but it is possible to go really well...
  7. drolle

    2002 UAI's

    someone asked earlier for people who got 90+ UAI to say what subjects they did and if they worked hard, so... I think the main reason I got a high uai was because of doing 4u maths, which is worth 2 units and suddenly makes 3u maths worth 2 units as well, and both 3u and 4u get scaled up *a...
  8. drolle

    2002 UAI's

    I got a 96.45, which I'm really happy with, although I think I could have gone a lot better if I had actually done some homework/study in year 12 instead of slacking off the whole time. LazSeeker predicted 98.25, not too bad since I didn't do the whole percentiles thing. The funniest part...
  9. drolle

    2002 HSC Marks

    Congrats Spice Girl, I knew you'd do really well when I was reading your posts in the post-exam forums! Also congrats to turtle, who I also happen to know was one of the top people in 4u maths (you should post your results and make us jealous!) My results: (Exam/Ass/HSC) Chem 75 / 90 / 83...
  10. drolle


    Yeah it seems to me that most of the people who post on these boards are in the top 10% or so... I used to think I did really well in my exams, until I came on here and half the people did better than me. I'm still in hopes of a high uai, so I'm going to hope that all the rest of the state...
  11. drolle

    Vote UR estimated exam mark!!! howditgo?

    I'm pretty sure I got 16 1/8, but maybe my memory is just bad... speaking of answers, did anyone else get 1/(3pi) for the rate at which height is increasing in 5(b)(ii)? none of my friends could agree...
  12. drolle

    Ext math bad judge of ability

    have you seen year 4 maths students these days? you probably couldn't get them to remember the area of a rectangle, let alone a complex proof! and I've never had any trouble 'getting' myself to remember things, it just goes in and comes out when I need it. It's not about how much you try to...
  13. drolle


    spice girl, when you say, 'the easier way', did you mean this? since c0 = cn, LHS = (n+2)/2*(c0 + c1 + c2 + ... + cn) = (n+2)/2*(1+1)^n = (n+2)*2^(n-1) = RHS of course I didn't think of this till 15 minutes *after* the exam finished!
  14. drolle


    ahhh oh course it all makes sense now, thanks nakata :)
  15. drolle


    people keep mentioning 6(b)(ii), so in case some people are still unsure how to do it, you just look at 1/(n+1) < S dx/x first, which gives 1/(n+1) < ln((n+1)/n) e^(1/n+1) < 1+1/n e^(1/n+1)^(n+1) < (1+1/n)^(n+1) e < (1+1/n)^(n+1) do a similar thing the other half of the inequality, and...
  16. drolle


    I had sort of the opposite experience to josie_is_slut, I was going really fast through the whole paper, skipping the odd question, until I got to the end with 20 minutes left and nothing left to do, so I fiddled around a bit with the questions I had skipped because I had trouble with them...
  17. drolle

    What You All Get?

    Holy crap that's pretty high, I don't think I got above 70 (EDIT: I meant to say 85, as in about 70%). I probably would have got more if I didn't spend my last 20 minutes on that 3 mark qn in Q6 - show In + In-2 = 1/(n-1) - I got so frustrated with it I couldn't move on, cause I kept getting In...
  18. drolle

    that stung... ESTIMATE your mark!!!!!!!!

    I actually didn't find that test too bad, because I knew I wouldn't be able to finish the test so as soon as I spent more than 2 minutes per mark I skipped the question.... which worked well until I blew my last 15 minutes on a 3 marker GRRRR! but at least I had answered 3/4 of the test...