Checksum - each block is divided by 256 and remainder is the checksum.
CRC - several blocks are stuck together to make a huge number and that is divided by a number determined during the handshacking (65536, 4294967296 being common ones). The remainder of the division is the check thingie...
I usually rotate the paper about 45° CCW, draw the line y=x and use that as an axis of symmetry; whatever's on the right I flip to the left and vice versa.
You need to push the parabola down or flip it so that the x-axis becomes to the latus rectum.
eg. x²=-4a(y-a)
Put that in terms of y and integrate between -2a and 2a.
EDIT: Or err.. Just integrate y = x²/4a between -2a and 2a. Then subtract that from the rectangle of 4a*a >_<
Lies, they're great for tiny bills. I've heard they have terrible customer services, but I haven't had to call them in 3 years. I'd like to see any company beating this for value; ADSL2+, 12GB/40GB. This is including all phone calls made as well as phone line rental!
I'm using an episode of Family Guy called 'It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One'. My teacher won't be able to stab me until the end of holidays >_> Lois becomes the mayor and that's liek INTO TEH WORLD.