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  1. S


    ahh sorry, was just browsing through.i know for a fact i put down 5.6 years as the answer to this question :( 5.55(something...), i probably made an error substituting k back in, but just wondering what other people got, 5.5 or 5.6? and for.. "(c) Shades region was above x axis on left...
  2. S

    Question 5....

    There was also a point of inflexion when x = 2 right? I included that but since the question only asked to sketch the curve showing stationary points, for 1 mark, I dont think it matters? I got the same answers as above, they should be ok.
  3. S

    Revise HSC Maths in a month.

    Anyone know where i can get a 'revise the hsc course mathematics in 8 hours' from?
  4. S

    Any one like me? Couldn't finish writing all the student numb and centre number and

    eh they made us fill that crap out before we got given the actual exam .. agreed
  5. S

    We had a bomb scare!!

    i wish something like that happened at my school
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    Paper 1 vs Paper 2

    i liked paper 1 better, the comprehension thing, change story and speech seemed easier, aside from trh fact that it was our firstexam which made it a bit weird feeling, but for me it was easier.
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    Module B - King Lear

    King Lear gives me the shits all year im glad i hardly studied for this, i dont think it would have helped me much. like most of you im happy the question was pretty easy compared to what it could have been (2001 - the order/chaos bs..)
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    Showing working?

    I assume you are reffering to the CO2 calculate question on Q19 part (c) ? I'm not sure if your school used the same markign criteria as ours, but.. + Calculates the correct voluem of carbon dioxide produced and describes a valid assumption - 3 marks. ------------ + Calculates the volume...
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    CSSA SDD exam !! Post Your Thoughts Here :)

    MC#13 was D and MC#14 was C. I don't have the slightest idea how to go about getting the answers thou. :S
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    CSSA Trial

    I'm pretty sure everyone that is taking it, should have taken the CSSA trial by now? Are you sure the tank/water flow was in Q9? If I recall correctly it was *something like*.. -Rate of water leaving a container proportional to amount of water remaining. -Container contains 1000L of...
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    CSSA Trial

    You didn't have to prepare a case study prior in order to answer the question.. :p
  12. S

    CSSA SDD exam !! Post Your Thoughts Here :)

    Yeah I agree.. I must have spent at _least_ 10-15+ minutes reading that flowchart about the Appointment algorithm (TopPos, BottomPos, NewDate, etc.. before I could grasp a decent understanding of whats its trying to do and the way it was doing it.. + another good 15 minutes answering the (2)...
  13. S

    CSSA Trial

    hmm..? both Q27 and Q28 are the extended respond Q's (pick either one to write about). I was told prior that we should include a case study for the extended response question.. so yeah.. I would say so..
  14. S

    CSSA SDD exam !! Post Your Thoughts Here :)

    Have a question in mind that your not sure of the answer too? feel free to ask here.. As for clashes.. only clash is with drama, which is an afternoon session 1.5 hour exam, I doubt many people do both Drama and SDD, let alone do Drama, SDD, and frequent these boards. If there was a clash...
  15. S

    CSSA SDD exam !! Post Your Thoughts Here :)

    Kn1ght_M4r3: talking about the 2d array question? got it? okie good :)
  16. S

    CSSA Trial

    Was easier than I expected. MC was a few so-so, but fairly good Short answ was extremly simple, pretty sure I got everything except the social influences on emplyment relations for Bobs Bricks stimulus Q :S which I now know. 26) Business report, simple and straightforward 28) Extended...
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    A government business enterprise is a government organization that has all of the following characteristics a) it is a separate legal entity with the power to contract in its own name and that can sue and be sued; b) it has been delegated the financial and operational authority to carry on...
  18. S

    CSSA SDD exam !! Post Your Thoughts Here :)

    I also found it pretty hard.. (multiple choice, some of Q21 and 23). I also didn't have time to finish some of the option topic (hardware, the mouse data thing). The 2d array in the mc was pretty simple.. Say it had Numbers [1,2].. look up the number in that box of the array (remember base...
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    Equil. reaction in CSSA Trial (Industrial)

    :( I got 0.0(something).. I totally messed up the industrial paper33
  20. S

    How did it go ? CSSA trial

    Hmm for the Metabisulphate in wine one? The top line was a reaction that went to completion, with water being a reactant And the 2nd line an equilibirum reaction with hydronium as a reactant and water as a product. When the MBS was added, it took out water from the system, which pushes...