Search results

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    TSFX trial lectures

    Should I do it ? Or should I wait until September and do the HSC prep courses at TSFX?
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    Leni reifenstahl help

    I have an assessment. Please post of PM if you can help !
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    Need advanced english tutor

    Please post or PM me
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    Need advanced english tutor

    Need a tutor for the texts of Dickinson, Woolf/Albee, Jane Eyre and Julius Caesar Please post home much and where we would meet up
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    Advanced English tutoring.

    Hello. I need an English tutor. Someone who preferably has studied Dickinson, Albee/Woolf, Julius Caesar and Jane Eyre. Please post prices. I just want someone who can go over the topics and help me write HSC notes mainly. I'm not bad at English but this year I've dropped greatly...
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    Atar estimate please !

    Advanced English: Not sure but worst case would be 8/39 Business 4/39 Legal:2/37 Modern: 3/36 Ancient:3/40
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    Someone please check homework :/

    Thank you ! Need loads of help !
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    Help ! Please ASAP !

    it's about case studies :/ PLEASE
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    ATAR estimate and question please!

    Modern: 5/36 Ancient:5/39 Adv English: 5/36 Business: 5/42 Legal: 2/40 Also, my grade is pretty shit. In some of my subjects half the grade is failing. School rank is 400's. How badly will this affect me?
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    Atar estimate ?

    Advanced English: 4/38 Legal Studies: 2/39 Business Studies: 4/42 Modern History: 3/36 Ancient History: 5/41 School rank - early 400's
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    Please check over essay progress

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    need context for related text?

    Do we ?
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    What is the palace economy?

    I'm kind of confused
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    past papers?

    I can't find any with working sources? Anyone?
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    Someone please check my human rights essay progress?

    Any help appreciated !
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    Someone please check progress of essay on knossos

    Please! so confused!
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    How to excel in this subject ?

    Any tips and suggestions ?