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  1. Einsteinium_101

    Whats ur fav game?

    Mine would have to be Grand Theft Auto- all of them. :music:
  2. Einsteinium_101

    Random Question: Who enjoys School Shopping?

    was just wondering:rofl:
  3. Einsteinium_101


    My subjects clashed for next year!!!! just wanted to rant about the stupid school system
  4. Einsteinium_101

    Physics help!

    Can i please have some help on a physics question? An athlete, commencing at point due east, completes half a lap of a 440 m track in 25 s. Determine the athletes" a) average speed b) average velocity ( in westerly direction) c) average velocity if the athlete completes one full lap at the...
  5. Einsteinium_101

    What do you want to study?

    I was wondering what everyone wants to study after high school?:snowman:
  6. Einsteinium_101


    I know this is probably not the right place to put this but we have started physics on vectors and i am having trouble understanding some of the question with things such as the Head to Tail Method etc. Has anyone got any advice on understanding this part of physics?:bomb:
  7. Einsteinium_101


    Whats your favourite flavour of noodles? Mine would have to be Pad Thai:wave:
  8. Einsteinium_101

    John Grisham

    Does anyone like his books? He is one of my fav authors
  9. Einsteinium_101

    What car will you get as your first car?

    I will probably get something like a Mazda 3 or Hyundai Getz sorta thing. How bout u guys?