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  1. ishq


    Please explain. How? Why? *lost*
  2. ishq

    how did you go?

    Uhhh...difficult paper! Circle Geometry was a BITCH. CONICS WAS A BIGGER BITCH. Did anyone else think it was toooo long? I mean - compared to 2004, 2003 it was way longer and way harder. Or maybe its just me. Glad its over.
  3. ishq

    help !!

    For the second part, do you assume friction to have a direction and then try and find magnitude? Or it is something to do with the fact that for small angles tanA = SinA?
  4. ishq

    help !!

    The first part is bookwork - no friction Draw the diagram Where A is the banked angle NsinA = mv^2/r NcosA=mg N=mg/cosA mg/cosA=mv^2/rsinA v^2 = 2gtanA v = sqrt rgtranA
  5. ishq

    Mechanics - Circle Geometry

    thanks underthebridge!! i was having problems with the initial resolving of forces - you cleared it up! merci! :D
  6. ishq

    biology students

    Ah! Bio is the next day after Maths! I hate this. I'm a little bit unsure about Search for Better Health - esp the last few parts... *sigh* *fingers crossed*
  7. ishq

    Graphing question

    Use the damn compass :) Its more exact too - which is a good thing incase your diagram effects your interpretation of the question - as in the CSSA 2005 trials... when they asked for the area ....the circle only touched the axis..or something...
  8. ishq

    Mechanics - Circle Geometry

    Here it is:
  9. ishq

    Mechanics - Circle Geometry

    I made one - which miraculously was correct according to the solutions... let me scan + attach... Its too large.......
  10. ishq

    Best Topic in 4 unit

    Algebraic stuff. Hate geometry.
  11. ishq

    Mechanics - Circle Geometry

    A topic I simple detest. Why can't we breeze through with only resisted motion? *sigh* Anyhow - question: A particle hangs by a light inextensible string of length a from a fixed point O, and a second particle of the same mass hangs from the first by an equal string. The whole system moves...
  12. ishq

    Hey guys

    Its never too late! Bring on 1993. Of course I am screwed for 4U (Not the same kind of screwed as Dumsum up there ^ who reckons 93/120 is bad - a worse kind of screwed) This is going to be the worst or best three hours ever. KFunk, you'll do good :) Back to Mechanics.
  13. ishq

    The 'Will juschillin get 100%' thread

    Spam in the MX2 forum? How could you?
  14. ishq

    Module B: Critical Study of Texts (Merged)

    Exactly! It was just like an argument. Only a bit of persuasive language...
  15. ishq

    For those Ex 1 students who cant burn english texts till monday 31st

    Damn Extension. Is it too late to drop? This euphoric "No English!" mood is taking over me... :D
  16. ishq

    General thoughts on the whole English Adv. Paper 2

    Ah - unlike the two before me, i think that the paper was - fair. It wasn't easy - though they didn't fool us with text types, the questions were different - not very direct. A good paper, (except maybe the THREE poems in Module B), but definately not the easiest since the new HSC - that...
  17. ishq

    3 Poems!!!

    I was so pissed!!! However, I spoke to my English Teacher after, and she said, by 'refer to three poems' it did not mean close analysis of all three - for which there was no time. Just inculcating a third poem - by using sylistic features, recurring themes etc would have been fine. Which...
  18. ishq

    Last minute Gwennie thread [post Harwood Qs here]

    Two or Three is the general way. Two is all I can fit -with 2 readings + shit about context and style. I'm freaking praying that they don't specify. If they do, I'm screwed.
  19. ishq

    HSC Birthdays

    My 18th is on my last exam :D
  20. ishq

    Warning to English Adv students::::

    We got the exemplar responses at our school as well, and some of them - especially module B - are really misleading. They're not always on the top end of the band - more likely to be a 17/20 rather than 19/20 - so you should keep that in account. This is so because the markers pull out...