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  1. quarkfire

    Motivation Help

    write down a list of all the reasons you need to study, and all the consequences of NOT studying, and just keep reading it when you need motivation :) It might help?
  2. quarkfire

    study routine

    I used to be like that, doing one subject the whole day, but now I'm trying to revise all 6 of them everyday.. it's damn hard! Once I really get into something I don't really want to switch to another subject
  3. quarkfire

    Hsc 2003 Timetable Is Out!!!!

    awesome :) I have at least 2 days off between each exam (except english of coursE) and all morning ones. I'm liking this timetable :p
  4. quarkfire


    from what I know the trials do not count for more than the hsc, they only count for about 40-45% of your assesment mark ( which is alot, anyway) I've heard a crazy rumor too - in some subjects the hsc is worth around 70% and the assesment mark only 30%. Can anyone confirm/deny this?!
  5. quarkfire


    wow you guys have them so quick.. ours aren't until ~10weeks from now :D
  6. quarkfire

    listening task

    ah thanks, that helps a bit :) Actually, since I posted before I have discovered it might not be an essay at all, but a couple of long response questions :( Should I answer them in essay form too? My teacher tells me nothing. no, we don't listen to 2 different versions, it's only one...
  7. quarkfire

    listening task

    I have a listening task in about a week and I need help!! we have to listen to a war letter and wilfred owen's poem "dulce et decorum est" then write an essay on it. What I don't get is the essay question: "Identity, explain and assess techniques used within and between each text" What...
  8. quarkfire

    For those of us who are worrying...

    It's "english as a second language" I think :)
  9. quarkfire

    don't understand ranks

    how exactly do "progressive ranks" work in school assesment? I mean, is each progressive rank an average of previous ranks? or marks? or am I way off here? Also, does your rank change differently depending on how much weighting the assesment had? Please explain this I'm really really confused!
  10. quarkfire

    repeating hsc at tafe?

    I'm still doing hsc this year, but I was thinking of doing it again at tafe if I (please no please no) get a low uai this year! How practical is this option? Can you apply to all university courses from tafe or are you limited to a certain number? Is it better to repeat at tafe or school? Any...
  11. quarkfire

    uai prediction

    lol thanks :) I go to kingsgrove high. It's just an average public school, unfortunetely :mad: Does it make much difference if you go to a selective school?
  12. quarkfire

    uai prediction

    these are my ranks since half yearlies. could you please tell me what kind of uai I'd be able to get with these? I'm hoping for 90+ (I think it's unlikely :( If I improve my rank to, say, 1st-3rd in each subject, what would my uai be? english - 13/118 physics- 10/38 chem - 5/19 math -...