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  1. N

    About UAI. Can i get it.

    Look at the university website and look under Education, there should be something there about transferring, or alternatively look at TAFE I know there is a link to what TAFE courses lead into which Universities, but you would need to check that for your university. 7th sign, your marks are...
  2. N

    About UAI. Can i get it.

    I thought they were relatively good marks, but your internal mark, is that any better? Tasha I think education is only available at universities, is that correct? What about doing a tafe course and then applying to university, just check out the uni website to see if it is possible. Which uni...
  3. N

    About UAI. Can i get it.

    Why do those marks mean you wont get a UAI of 70?
  4. N

    About UAI. Can i get it.

    I know a guy who got a UAI of 99+ and he does not have much common sense in certain things, he is smart, but if you put something different in front of him, it's like ??? :S . I believe trial marks are important as they do show where you need to improve, but sometimes they are not completely...
  5. N

    About UAI. Can i get it.

    If 78 is difficult to get, how do people get in the 90's? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh It isn't about aiming so low, it's about getting into what you want.
  6. N

    How we feel about the HSC

    I guess it is just something you build up for, for so long. It just truly is hard to see life when the HSC is so close, at times. Just the feeling of being compared with the rest of the state is a daunting thing for me. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to the other side of the HSC.
  7. N

    is anyone going to schoolies week goldcoast?

    These post orders are completely smashed haha it says i wrote it at 2:12pm when in fact I wrote that one at 2:25pm. It's tripping out just as much as we are.
  8. N

    is anyone going to schoolies week goldcoast?

    Does this have some crazy connection to journeys?
  9. N

    What is UAI "prediction"?

    I think all this stress made me a bit gaga. I was like "but there are only .05 increments, that means 20 per UAI numeral, that is not enough to go around!" Phew! Thanks for fixing that up.
  10. N

    Only coleridge in fisrt exam???? please help.

    I do exactly the same modules as you.
  11. N

    Only coleridge in fisrt exam???? please help.

    That's the one mate. AOS on Monday, the other 3 modules are on Thursday. :)
  12. N

    What is UAI "prediction"?

    How many people can get the same UAI? It is a rank so does that mean many more than one person can get the same? I know it sounds stupid as, I was just having a conversation with someone about it.
  13. N

    International Crime

    Could someone please explain to me the differneces between crime committed outside a national jurisdiction, transnational crimes and crimes against the international community?
  14. N

    structure. help!!!!

    You would have to write a perfect response for a 15/15 mark, I am sure it is not purely synthesis that will ensure a 15/15. Unless you are quite competent at synthesising, there is a risk of confusion, I know I am not good at it myself. I hope you get the 15/15 or full marks that you truly deserve.
  15. N

    structure. help!!!!

    So basically if you are structuring the essay or response text by text, drawing comparisons at the end and start of paragraphs of texts, in a logical manner, high marks are still attainable?
  16. N

    structure. help!!!!

    I agree with you. Not everyone can synthesise, there can be a chance of confusion, and you should stick to what you are comfortable with and confident with. If you can explain and justify your point and meet the rubric, then do it. I'm glad nwatts can synthesise for a HSC paper, good on you mate.
  17. N

    multiple Chocice Questions

    Is missionisation a word?
  18. N

    When to discuss the five areas in religious rites

    If you have put it in your essay, then you might already cover one or two of the five areas. In my prepared essay, I wrote about a rite of passage, about the general gist and procedure in two traditions, although in mentioning rituals and processes that occur, there is a reason for it occuring...
  19. N


    I would say so. Where is that question?
  20. N

    who's exams are all crammed in together

    Monday - English Tuesday - CFS Wednesday - Nothing Thursday - English Friday - Legal and SOR1 Monday - Maths Tuesday -Italian Ciao Ciao