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  1. ameh

    Freaking out about your exams?

    w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t. Finished my last exam. Now off to work :(:)
  2. ameh

    Lol... UTS building inspired a Japanese mascot

    Hehe: Domo's favorite food is seasoned beef with potatoes and he has a strong dislike for apples (an unexplained mystery in his DNA). Domo is known to pass gas repeatedly when nervous or in a bad mood." I cannot think of a better description of UTS either.
  3. ameh

    How hawt are your clothes?

    Props Brogs :)
  4. ameh

    How hawt are your clothes?

    Fuck off Jack.
  5. ameh

    How hawt are your clothes?

  6. ameh

    How hawt are your clothes?

    pix plz kthxbai
  7. ameh

    WLM (MSN) 8.0 Released

    it doesn't work on Win98 :(
  8. ameh

    What would you do?

    w000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t (Congrats Susan :))
  9. ameh

    Freaking out about your exams?

    You'll do fine :) P.S. I might've seen Malfoy leave 20min or so early today, correct me if X.
  10. ameh

    Freaking out about your exams?

    I accidentally wrote secks in the HSTY exam when I meant sex. (In re/ Gender - American HSTY1076) :(:(:( How fucking embarrassment.
  11. ameh

    Important - Please Read

    Check my profile.
  12. ameh

    Freaking out about your exams?

    My phone rang New Order incessantly during the PHIL1011 exam today. Plus I didn't write enough. And And. Yeah it's over :) P.S. Twas sitting at the front
  13. ameh

    can chicks rock out?

    Well said.
  14. ameh

    Do your parents approve?

    How do I put up with it? Marriage :(
  15. ameh

    Freaking out about your exams?

    I just started studying Normative Ethics :( DIE KANT..DIE!!
  16. ameh

    WLM (MSN) 8.0 Released

    Thanks Rafs
  17. ameh

    5 people you'll invite for dinner

    vladimir nabokov rowan atkinson richard/ian curtis (Hehe I'm cheating here) wittgenstein
  18. ameh

    What would you do?

    Yeah, that sounds familiar. <3 Greek n Asian rents.
  19. ameh

    Semester 2 Timetable '06

    Props. I'll try that
  20. ameh

    Semester 2 Timetable '06

    Malfoy: Your Tuesday is like my Thursday :) (I've no idea how I'm going to avoid snacking in between class/lectures)