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  1. O

    UNSW or UTS for CompSci?

    I was initially going for UNSW (from prior recommendations) but recently I've been barraged by people (teachers and students) urging me to go to UTS. Now I'm absolutely clueless on which to choose @_@. I want to have a career in games development, but still have a fallback degree in case it...
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    CSSA Trials Results 2012

    How'd everyone go? :) I'm so devo. I got 89/100 Dx Just 1 mark from band 6. Gonna try scavenge marks tmo :D The parenting styles question raped me LOL
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    UOW or UWS?

    I want to do CompSci and my first choice is UNSW which requires 91~. However, my complete laziness for the trials have destroyed that dream, at least for the first year of uni. So, if I don't get the ATAR I need, I have two fallbacks that only require 75~ which I can go to for my first year...
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    Could we be asked on locuses?

    or is it just parabolas and their directrix and stuff? :s Cuz I don't remember all that stuff lol.
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    Dux or valedictorian?

    Dux or valedictorian, which do you like more? I personally prefer valedictorian. Sounds waayyyy more prestigious than dux. I mean c'mon, you reward your highest ranking student by labelling him/her a duck(s)? :s lol.
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    Ranking and final hsc mark.

    Let me get this straight. So in a particular subject, do you get the hsc mark corresponding to your internal rank? So lets say if the 5th best mark in your school was 80% and you get the best mark of 98%, do you get the 80% instead if you were rank 5th internally? I've heard this been told to...
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    Cssa trials tomorrow!!!

    EDIT: ITS TODAY!!!!!! Good luck everyone!! :D I'm so gonna fail xD
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    Trying to write a belonging essay for Romulus without having finished the book.

    Did I screw myself over? I've only read 3/5 of the book and trials are on monday D: What are some things to write about? So far I've got: -locational displacement/migrant problems -isolation due to mental illness -generational separation Anyone have a chapter summary? :s
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    Question lol.

    If you get 10% internal mark for lets say Adv. English, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, and Maths Ext 1, but you get full marks for everything in the HSC, what do you reckon your final ATAR would be? aha.
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    Is 1300 words too long for the belonging creative?

    My story deals with belonging and not belonging, as well as personal belonging and belonging to a place, so maybe I might be able to dump and run? xD One can hope~ :D Oh yeah, is it fine to add textual excerpts in the story? Like I made up a blurb of a book and inserted that in my story.
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    What are u making for your major, what are you up to, and what language are u using?

    I'm curious as to what you guys are up to, since I've been super lazy with mine xD. Only like 5 weeks left and I've still done hardly anything LOL. I'm making: ...a 2D fighter using the BakaToTest characters (its an anime) I'm up to: ...combo detection and all that shizz. I've still got to do...
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    Is it fine for teachers to reuse a hsc question but change the marking guidelines?

    Good evening everyone. Today, I received my paper back for my SOR 1u half yearly, and my marks were appalling. However, I don't think it's my fault. I'm just gonna say that I got one of the highest if not the highest mark for the first section since I beat the usual top ranker (in all...
  13. O screwed am I now? :S

    I just sat the physics half yearly today and I completely failed it. Well I think I did. I'm expecting 40% or lower :S Term 1 Marks (All weighed 15% i think) Physics: 91.4% SDD: 91.3% Adv. English: 100% Adv. Math: 30% (lol, the highest was 35% in adv., and the highest ext. mark for the adv...