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    do results come out at...

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    Chippin' in for Petrol and other Matters

    hahahahahahahaha geeeez no offence but a gentlemen shouldnt act like that....... i suppose u could consider it reasonable coz its expensive etc but still ahhhhh
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    thanks guys!
  4. W


    i was just wondering where it tells you when results will come out , what time etc.. i couldnt find it anywhere!!!!
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    past accg253 students!!

    heey guys for our final xam they have given us some "required knowledge for the final exam" document.. but then the lecturer went on and said this is only brief to make sure people pass .. more will be examined - or something along those lines did the same thing happen 4 u guys?? were u...
  6. W

    for u economists!!

    heloo im kinda stuck with a question in my assignment was wondering if u guys could help.. its in relation to profit maximisation & cost minimization.. it says "a monopolist attempts to maximise the difference between price and average cost"... any thoughts?? thanks!!!!!!
  7. W

    accg253 tutorial...

    any1 no if their is one in the first week... i got no access to the unit guideline so no way of finding out :S thanks......!!!!
  8. W

    when do we start!!!

    heeey alot people have told me they start on the 27th... my timetable on estudent says classes start from from 2 march to ..... ? ? ?
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    exam results...

    what day and time do they come out??
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    Exam afterthoughts

    yea i realised that after.. so i get no marks ay
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    Exam afterthoughts

    in the xam i closed the expense account and revenue account as a whole.. eg Cr expenses xxxx, Dr Profit and Loss summary xxxx Dr revenues xxxx, Cr Profit and loss summary xxxx i didnt close all those accounts individually, but the balances would be the same.. is this still right??
  12. W

    quick question for u geniuses

    yeh thats look right thanks heaps!!!!!!
  13. W

    quick question for u geniuses

    i dunno> im doin it at uni.. dont u guys do annuities..
  14. W

    quick question for u geniuses

    when finding periodic payments , given the future value... what do u do if theres an initial balance :S eg person has 5000 in an account earning interest at 0.051 p.a, compounding half yearly.... what level deposit is required at the end of each half year for the next 5 years if the...
  15. W

    quick maths question plzzz

    when finding periodic payments , given the future value... what do u do if theres an initial balance :S eg person has 5000 in an account earning interest at 0.051 p.a, compounding half yearly.... what level deposit is required at the end of each half year for the next 5 years if the...
  16. W

    quick maths question....

    lol, al seems so easy now.. thanks agaain!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  17. W

    quick maths question....

    i got no ideaaa how to do this, someone please help at 6% the present value of a series of payments is $1810. At 6.5% the present value the same series of payments is $1763. Use linear interpolation to estimate the rate of interest for which these payments have a present value of $1776...
  18. W

    quick maths question....

    i got no ideaaa how to do this, someone please help at 6% the present value of a series of payments is $1810. At 6.5% the present value the same series of payments is $1763. Use linear interpolation to estimate the rate of interest for which these payments have a present value of $1776...
  19. W

    results at 12???

    what time do they come out.......
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    Whilst the identities ensure that planned and actual values of key variables are equal regardless of the level of aggregate income?? can anyone tell me something about it... is it only at equilibrium level that I = S ?> y?