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    55 % busniess trial

    Say i am 16th out of 24 and i have my trial exam for busniess weigthing 55% can i still get in the top ranks
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    HSC experience

    There are probably several thousand people in the same situation i have 2 ( 3 hour exams on the same day ) i know modern and eco are two, if anyone has had same happen to them in the past HSC years could they give us some helpful tips to get through the day
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    thanx for all responses much appreciated
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    my trials are worth as followed English- 30%, general maths 40%, Busniess 40 %, Legal 40%, Bio 40%, PDHPE- 30 I my weightings so far english 40 %, busniess 35%, genreal maths 30%, legal 30% PDHPE- 25% AND BIO - 22%
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    Can someone tell me if what position { ranking wise} would you need to be for you to have a shot at the number 1 postion come trials my rankings general maths - 10/50 English - ? Bio-? PDHPE 10/20 Business- 17/30 Leagl - 4/12
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    i totally agree with your comments and to all HSC students who are in the same situation best of wishes & good luck
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    i have guys bio and leagal on the same day i am so angry because i am about the only one in my skool with two on the same day not happy Jan
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    Explanation Can someone help me how do the board of stuides decide what exams are on what day :burn: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: i dislike this one some much
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    2008 HSC Timetable

    Anyone have the same problem hey guys it not only me but when i saw the HSC Timetable today i have two exams on the same day both 3 hours - bio and legal, and my friend has two on the same day { but different day to me } modern and ecomonics i dislike my timetable alot its unfair what is...
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    uai hope

    why do think that, why will it affect my uai sorry no need to answer the question be answered by myself, have fun in the HSC
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    uai hope

    thank you guys for responding it given me alot of motivation
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    uai hope

    Ok my school rankings are as i know general maths 10th, out of 46 busniess 16th out of 30, standard english 8th out of 30 legal 2nd out of 13 biology 13 out 40 & PDHPE 10th out 20 any help would be greatly appreciated
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    uai hope

    this is my first comment i have posted i am doing general maths , standard english, biology, legal /busniess studies & PDHPE i am scared i can not get a Good UAI Hope UAI 90+ what are chances