Search results

  1. Lazy

    Strange items in people's common rooms?

    Cushions, couches, a TV and a small door that lead to the canteen (VERY useful when stupid old canteen lady forgets to lock it)
  2. Lazy

    what did u think of WW1

    Modern is generally accepted as starting after the French revolution (1789). Medievil times are taught as ancient history
  3. Lazy

    Remove Religious Texts from Syllabus

    Thats actually a very good read
  4. Lazy


    My work belt dosent seem to fit anymore...:confused:
  5. Lazy

    what did u think of WW1

    All history is interesting :)
  6. Lazy

    PleaSE NEED!! he;[ pn first preliminary task

    Your not a leech, thats what these forums are here for. Could i ask you what school you are at Space Cap? Your assessments have pretty much been the same as what i done last year
  7. Lazy

    what's a "junior member" ...smthng next to my name, makes me feel so little (??? :))

    Post about 3 more times and you'll feel a little bit bigger
  8. Lazy

    School Motto

    Ours is the second part of verse 8, Psalm XIX: Nos Autem In Nomine Domini Some trust in chariots and others in horses; But we in the name of the Lord
  9. Lazy

    2002 Half-Yearly Nightmares

    Our half-yearlies were a joke, half the shit we studied for wasnt even in them and the majority of the form passed with flying colors. The nightmares wont begin untill October lads.
  10. Lazy

    hey anyone got imfo on trostky or an old essay?

    This is a assignment i had to do (didnt go towards the HSC) its on Trotsky. We were only allowed 1 night to do it and we were given a word limit so its very broad but theres some useful info there.
  11. Lazy

    New site

    Lazy is very disappointed Wheres the Quote of the week? Where are all those depressed young HSC'ers going to get motivation now? That quote was the only thing that got me through the HSC...
  12. Lazy


    Come again?? :confused:
  13. Lazy


    Heres a little freaky story for you all. I started reading Lord of the Rings again the other night, and i get near the end when Gandalf is talking to Frodo and he says "The new year will now always be celebrated on the 25th of March in Gondor, the day the dark lord fell..." I look up at the...
  14. Lazy


    They dont get boring till book 8, its about then he loses it and just stops getting anywhere
  15. Lazy


    September 10th, 2002 11:37 PM And we're still talking about bloody belts :eek:
  16. Lazy

    Primary schools...those were the days

    St Philomeanes primary school is where i went. It was only small when i started, about 70 of us. We had our 100 year anniversary in 2001...lots of memories. I still even hold a few records there :)
  17. Lazy


    Dancing is overrated
  18. Lazy

    Anyfing Beta?

    We're being overrun by wigga's!!
  19. Lazy

    PleaSE NEED!! he;[ pn first preliminary task

    Hmmm thats a little wierd, i had to do the EXACT same assignment... Its a pretty easy assignment really, the main point you want to get across is the role nationalism was playing at the time, and more specifically imperialism. The race for empire was all consuming among the major powers at...
  20. Lazy

    busted by the teacher

    ROFL!! Any takers?