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  1. Shadose

    How was your school day?

    Re: How was your school day? 2008. Hello everyone, my school day was fine thankyou :p But I just can't get to work at the moment. Someone help me :'(
  2. Shadose

    Mature age - Whats required from year 9/10 in order to study prelim/HSC maths?

    I think it would be better to start straight with a year 11 textbook now. They still have explanations. If, you still don't understand a concept, then you could refer back to year 10 text book. They all usually include the basic knowledge required in the first few chapters. I believe this...
  3. Shadose

    Failing in Assessments

    You never know. Its all about the assessment rank in your year. Your teacher is able to adjust the ranking by the end of the year, especially by looking at the trial marks. So unless you keep on failing. It doesn't matter.
  4. Shadose

    How Much Study Should You Do Every Night?

    5 hours was recommended. But I never actaully do more than 2 hours when I keep drifting off and thinking of something else.
  5. Shadose

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    OMG...sleep at 1-3am :S Do I have to do that to do good in the HSC? Does everyone who does good do that? ...And looking at the results...who the hell sleeps more than 12 hours!
  6. Shadose

    Video Games: Do you have time anymore?

    I think playing a game or two once in a while is okay, just to get your mind off the work. But you have to be able to control yourself, because sometimes you could get addicted :p
  7. Shadose

    Are you a maths or english person?

    Definitely a Maths person. But ironically doing very good in English, and droping in ranks for Maths.
  8. Shadose

    Surgery to restore virginity. Would YOU do it too?

    OMG 8 people voted for yes :o What kind of female would torture themselves and waste money for something thats gonna break ayway. I couldn't imagine the procedure of replacing it... :S It hurts to think how it happens. I certainly wouldn't like any girl that would choose to do such a foolish...
  9. Shadose

    Plant adaptations

    Also the hair on some plants trap moisture and also provides some shade.
  10. Shadose

    How was your school day?

    Lucky...2 weeks holiday earlier than public schools :'( But I shouldn't worry about this nonsense... Private schools pay more as they should learn more, not more holidays :p
  11. Shadose

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    Wow, I guess a small school does have its advantages. Only 3 people? wow...
  12. Shadose

    How was your school day?

    I stuffed up in a easy question in 3unit :( I couldn't get over it for days...
  13. Shadose

    Getting Ahead in the Holidays

    I would basically be catching up on my work, like many of you. And I will read ahead for the English texts. And do all the homework which will be set.
  14. Shadose

    How Do I Aviod Getting Caught For Plagerism (without doing the work myself?)

    :rofl: LMAO And how did you get a picture of him? How did you do all that tracking, lol
  15. Shadose

    How Do I Aviod Getting Caught For Plagerism (without doing the work myself?)

    Your teachers should know about this site and you will get into trouble if they know who you are :) Obviously you have to do at least some work yourself, even copying is work. Do you mean by not using your brain? Well, you would only get dumber and dumber, and things would only get harder and...
  16. Shadose

    Does school affect your UAI?

    claps* :) Could you also explain why my teacher told us that assessment mark doesn't matter, only if you consistantly get high marks? For example, Bob gets 56% in his assessment mark, and Michelle gets 94% and ranks one for her assessment mark, and they both go in the same school. However, Bob...
  17. Shadose

    do u guyzz still do the assignment in the last minute???

    Yes, I still do it. But I start earlier than what I had, so it poduce a better result as time was taken to plan it out. lol, a pass or fail assignment? what do you mean? So practically everyone gets the same mark? or otherwise they don't get anything?
  18. Shadose

    Chemistry Humour.

    lol! Thats funny :D
  19. Shadose

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    English- 19/20, equal first with 3-4 people -_- Physics- 48.5/50, So many people beat me :'( I still have... Maths then ...Biology
  20. Shadose

    how much study.....?

    lol, thats what I'm doing now XD I'm waiting for the last hour to do my Maths XD Okay, maybe I should go and do it now... A timetable is good if it is flexible. It won't be effective to use a rigid timetable. And don't make everyday the same, it would bore you. Its more about organising your...