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  1. H

    help wif assessment

    hey i hav an assessment about water balance in animals and plants if any1 knows anythink or can help find info it will help heaps cause its due first week back and im finding it hard 2 find info... thanx
  2. H

    Legal Assessment... R v. Gonzales & R V. Sorrell

    joes case was the best ive never seen anytink better i wish i could write like joe his sooooo smart JOE UR SO gifted thanx 2 joe i came first in legal JOE U RULE Hahahah Luv Huni and btw i dnt write retarded
  3. H


    U guyS r FreaKin mE OuuuT ookkk wat the!! started working on yr 12 in yrrr 10, i dnt start assessments till the day b4 its dueee.. lol and all off u sound sooo smart soRRy If sounds bit gayyy i Cnt compete with all u smart peoople!!! im gona fail jst did my eng assessment 2day ran out of...
  4. H

    Mexico - Promote Economic Growth + Development?

    HEYYY Ok probaly not gona get any helpppp!!! :(..... but i need info about mexico doing it as my case studyyy!!! needd info any info onnn exports... standard of livvinng and sooo onnnnn kkk thanx LuV HoNey
  5. H

    Supplementary Texts - Physical

    heyyy som1 hellp me plz need 2 FINd poem on physical jouneys but cnt b on the pescribed hSc Thanx ~~HoNEy~~
  6. H

    can anyone sugesst texts to link with the stimulus booklet??

    [heyyyyy) need heaps OF Help!!!! Need 2 Find supplementary material on physical journeys which is not on the pescribed HSC( how annoying) due in 5 days so get cracking LOL:) ~HoNeY~