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  1. Ellie-Bee


    i'm doing community welfare and i'm still 'unconfirm'. i emailed my tutorial preferences to several people so i really hope that i'll get them. anyone in the same boat as me??!??! heaps frustrating no knowing what i'm doing. eep.
  2. Ellie-Bee


    help! i'm freaking out a little bit!! i just looked up my unit enrollments and it says they are all 'unconfirmed'. does that just mean they haven't processed them yet?!?! i'm a first year, btw. also webmail won't let me in yet.....! any thoughts on whats happening??
  3. Ellie-Bee

    Snow Patrol

    hey! any snow patrol fans??? i love them.
  4. Ellie-Bee

    Songs That Make You Cry

    What SONGS have made you cry?? sorry if this has been done before! :) i only really cried in these songs coz i was down at the time : - what you want by the john butler trio - the scientist by coldplay lots more...
  5. Ellie-Bee

    Pride and Predjudice (the movie)

    this movie looks to be an interesting one. i dont know if it gets my approval. link argh. keira knightley as elizabeth bennett!?!!?!?!?!? NOOOOOO...... mr darcy - hmmm...not sure, not as good as colin firth! post your thoughts! :)
  6. Ellie-Bee

    East Coast BluesFest (Easter)

    the lineup for this is fantastic. i wish i could go, but can't. :( i went last year and it was fantastic i totally recommend it, even if you dont like a lot of the music! these are the main people i would wanna see there: Michael Franti and Spearhead The Cat Empire The Whitlams Gomez...
  7. Ellie-Bee

    Community Welfare diploma

    hey everyone! i was just wondering whether anyone is doing this course at Ultimo campus??? cheers! :)
  8. Ellie-Bee

    Community Welfare

    hey guys i was just wondering if anyone is doing this course or if anyone has this course as first preference. its my first preference but my uai was really bad so i don't think i'll get into it. :confused:
  9. Ellie-Bee

    The Waifs

    anyone like them?? if yes, which album is best to buy ?? i love them and have seen them live twice!! :)
  10. Ellie-Bee


    anyone get one today??? i havent gone home yet to look in the letter box. eep. :o
  11. Ellie-Bee

    Devendra Banhart

    hey all! anyone like devendra banhart?? he is guest programming rage tonight (saturday) link to rage
  12. Ellie-Bee

    The Glass House

    does anyone love this show!?!? i LOVE it so much. dave hughes is a champion! thoughts people?
  13. Ellie-Bee

    Guy vs. Missy

    Linkage discuss thoughts!
  14. Ellie-Bee

    Yr 12 - Pictures of your study area.

    i've just noticed how messy the room is that i use to study, so i thought it would be an idea to post pics of our mess! :) sorry if this has been done before!
  15. Ellie-Bee

    arias - jet.

    i love jet's music but i really didn't like them (as people) at the arias. i thought they were really pretentious and full of themselves. thoughts?
  16. Ellie-Bee

    The Arias Thread

    hey all! who do you think will win 'album of the year' and whatever other categories there are!? sorry if this has been done!
  17. Ellie-Bee

    the OC obsession.

    can someone please sum up what is so good about the OC? (three points about it) :) this should be interesting.
  18. Ellie-Bee

    EdAssist Lectures

    hey. just wanted to see who is actually going to them this weekend coming up (24th - ?) at sydney uni. so who is going for sure?? i am!
  19. Ellie-Bee

    Looking forward to voting....

    i've noticed that most of this forum is to do with the election so i thought i'd pose this question.
  20. Ellie-Bee

    Latest issue of Rolling Stone

    mark latham is on the front cover and there is a big story on the labor party inside. i was really shocked and horrified becuase here is my fav mag talking bout politicians and such things.i thought it was about music - not the govt. him and peter garrett 'rockin the vote'. not happy. :rolleyes: