i'm doing community welfare and i'm still 'unconfirm'. i emailed my tutorial preferences to several people so i really hope that i'll get them. anyone in the same boat as me??!??! heaps frustrating no knowing what i'm doing. eep.
help! i'm freaking out a little bit!!
i just looked up my unit enrollments and it says they are all 'unconfirmed'. does that just mean they haven't processed them yet?!?! i'm a first year, btw.
also webmail won't let me in yet.....!
any thoughts on whats happening??
What SONGS have made you cry??
sorry if this has been done before! :)
i only really cried in these songs coz i was down at the time :
- what you want by the john butler trio
- the scientist by coldplay
lots more...
this movie looks to be an interesting one. i dont know if it gets my approval. link
argh. keira knightley as elizabeth bennett!?!!?!?!?!? NOOOOOO......
mr darcy - hmmm...not sure, not as good as colin firth!
post your thoughts! :)
the lineup for this is fantastic. i wish i could go, but can't. :( i went last year and it was fantastic i totally recommend it, even if you dont like a lot of the music!
these are the main people i would wanna see there:
Michael Franti and Spearhead
The Cat Empire
The Whitlams
hey guys
i was just wondering if anyone is doing this course or if anyone has this course as first preference.
its my first preference but my uai was really bad so i don't think i'll get into it. :confused:
i've just noticed how messy the room is that i use to study, so i thought it would be an idea to post pics of our mess! :)
sorry if this has been done before!
mark latham is on the front cover and there is a big story on the labor party inside. i was really shocked and horrified becuase here is my fav mag talking bout politicians and such things.i thought it was about music - not the govt. him and peter garrett 'rockin the vote'. not happy. :rolleyes: