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  1. Ellie-Bee

    'Child Abuse As A Social Issue'

    Hey guys! Just wondering if any of you are doing 'Child Abuse...' next semester as an elective at Bankstown. I'm really annoyed - the only lecture that is on the timetable is at 8am on a Thursday morning. I live over an hour and a half away from uni and this would mean an extremely early...
  2. Ellie-Bee

    last 5 CDs u bought/obtained

    Athlete - Tourist can't remember before that.....
  3. Ellie-Bee


    I wouldn't say they're the best band in the world at the moment but they're ok. I prefer Athlete - similar to Coldplay but 10000000000 times better - Coldplay stole a lot of their stuff from Athlete, so yeah, thats my opinion.
  4. Ellie-Bee

    Live 8

    Wow. Other acts playing in other countries include: Bjork, Green Day, The Cure, Placebo, Dave Matthews Band, Deep Purple. Oh to live overseas.
  5. Ellie-Bee

    Live 8

    Oh my, that line-up makes me giddy. The Killers, Snow Patrol, Scissor Sisters, REM, U2, Travis, Coldplay. :eek:
  6. Ellie-Bee


    eep. that second picture makes me feel a little nauseated. :(
  7. Ellie-Bee

    The Usual "whatcha gonna do in the hols" thread

    i'm back home (mudgee) for a month, argh a whole month!! heheh. its good to have a break with NO uni work! Woot!
  8. Ellie-Bee


    what answers did you get?!!? :confused: i am annoyed that the ads for the show don't really match up with what happens. love the show tho!
  9. Ellie-Bee

    R All Males Sleazes??

    all males are not sleazes. that is all.
  10. Ellie-Bee

    Sociology Exam

    Thoughts? Problems? Complaints? Air them here!! :)
  11. Ellie-Bee

    Non-smokers: Would you date a smoker?

    probably not.
  12. Ellie-Bee

    Jackass: The Movie

    the series of Jackass is way better!
  13. Ellie-Bee

    The BB Controversey

    maybe moving it later wouldn't be a bad idea. i dont watch it so it doesn't really effect me...!
  14. Ellie-Bee


    me too, me and my housemates get so excited bout it - its like the light at the end of the tunnel (the tunnel being our weeks!!) :D
  15. Ellie-Bee

    the vibe

    Its a big hoax to make everyone talk about it - they've achieved their goal. (lol - that could be one thing that it is....! just one interpretation!!)
  16. Ellie-Bee

    Angry Music...

    what music DO you like fake_mcdickpant???
  17. Ellie-Bee

    credit = ?

    lol i didn't end up getting them dammit!! hehe. yeah her voice is insanely annoying, and guess what?!?! she is my bloomin' lecturer for my elective next semester! yay. NOT.
  18. Ellie-Bee

    credit = ?

    i get my welfare presentation results today, our tutor is pretty rockin' and laidback about it all so thats pretty rad. :)
  19. Ellie-Bee

    sarah blasko

    simliar to missy higgins but 1000 times better and more diverse.
  20. Ellie-Bee

    Last Movie...What you think?

    shaun of the dead - 9 out of 10. loved it. (i had seen it before but its the last one i watched!)