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  1. reno2004

    Soccer Thread 2004

    I think overmars retired cause he had a recurring injury, and decided he might as well retire now. He now wants a job as a scout with Arsenal.
  2. reno2004

    Celebrity MILFs!

    Brooke Burke
  3. reno2004

    Motorsport, anyone?

    WRC and MotoGP are good cause they are competitive virtually all the time, especially now that V.Rossi has changed teams. But in general motorsport is crap at the moment.
  4. reno2004


    I havent seen much of Naruto but from what i have seen it is heaps mad. Im currently watching Full Metal Alchemist. Damn Anime is so addicting when it is a good series. What other series have you guys watched?
  5. reno2004

    Stars before they were famous

    Cindy Crawford looks hot there, and looked hot when she became famous, and still looks pretty hot now.
  6. reno2004

    Soccer Thread 2004

    Damn Arsenal and French people. It is like ranieri and italians
  7. reno2004

    Anti Bush anyone??

    Micheal Moore's doco's are good. They show what is really going on, even though at times he is baised. But I guess he is only presenting his side of the argument. I doubt US will attack Nth Korea like they did Iraq cause they dont want to piss off the Chinese. China seems to be the only...
  8. reno2004

    Stars before they were famous

    These Koreans are pretty hot. But they look ugly in the before photos. The wonders of make up as u said santaslayer
  9. reno2004

    Soccer Thread 2004

    When does the transfer window close? Also, what is with all the major teams going to United States for their pre-season games. Man Utd, Chelsea, AC Milan, Bayern Munich. I think Arsenal too. Soccer or Football, isnt even a very popular sport in USA, so ideally wouldnt it be better...
  10. reno2004

    Does anyone know any good f*** off lines?

    Piss off, B-I-A-T-C-H. This is if it is a chic. P.S - Remember you must stress BIATCH for the full effect.
  11. reno2004

    Is it possible to do Comp Sci/Maths??

    Hi I have probably asked this before, but is it possible to do a combined degree of Computer Science & Tech and Mathematics?? I have looked on the Usyd website and I can only find about them individually, but it says something about doing Eng/Sci degree. So i was wondering if this...
  12. reno2004

    Australian Idol 2004

    Some?!?!?!?. I think you were looking for the word MOST.
  13. reno2004

    Anti Bush anyone??

    Bush sucks. And Johnny and Blair suck just as much cause the suck up to him in the hope of gettin a piece of ass cheek to kiss, along with "protection" from the terrorists.
  14. reno2004

    The F1 Thread

    Lol. I havent really noticed that of Kimi in the Aussie GP, but ill have to take your word on this, seeing that I havent been to the Aussie GP.
  15. reno2004

    The F1 Thread

    I used to like JPM when he was in CART because he was a fellow countryman, but since moving to F1 i have started to dislike him because of his attitude. Right now my favourite driver would have to be Kimi. He had the potential to be a really good driver before he came to McClaren, much like...
  16. reno2004

    What Kind Of Car Do You Drive?

    lol. I know this has been pointed out previously, but i must laugh at 100mph around a corner :D. Dude, trying to brag about something only works when you make the story believable. Unless your cuz's "vectra" was infact a Formula 1 car, or something similar, then 100mph is total BS. Ill give you...
  17. reno2004

    Soccer Thread 2004

    Just look how long it took Edu to adapt. And look at Kleberson currently. He is yet to prove himself in the premiership.
  18. reno2004

    The F1 Thread

    Ill have to agree with you on your analysis.
  19. reno2004

    whats worse

    It would really suck to be rejected by the pity date. You would have to be the least liked person ever, for a pity date to reject you.
  20. reno2004

    The F1 Thread

    Montoya??? He is a very fast driver, but like I have said in the past, he doesnt have the right attitude. Montoya is too arrogant and fiesty. He thinks just cause he is fast and has challenged Schuey before that he can call all the shots with the team, etc. I still think Kimi is the mosty...