would nebody have ne copies of their skl's assessment that theyve just had, or previous years assessments? eg topic tests for harder 3u, complex no.s, polynomials? :rolleyes:
hmm i need to learn some more piano pieces.. stopped doing grade a while back but sorta wanna play at home, so i dont forget how to play ;)
ive been playing a bit of modern music of recent, bin neglecting the classical of recent :p u guys got ne suggestions to wat i should learn? round...
tennis would be so much more interseting if federer didnt win everything... it was ok wen he won the first two.. but now it seems expected.. sorta like the aussie cricket team :(
okiez need some uber help, only just started my supp. text (coz my dodgy cclass just finsihed talking about the stimulus texts... gheyy...), and i chose good ole huck finn (god help me). how does this relate to an imaginative journey and how is this conveyed? ne ideas are appreciated :D
yup... comes as a shock, esp. wen somebody is use to coming first at their normal skl suddnely faces all this competition... and watches their ranks go down....