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  1. expertdkx

    Geograpgy Skill Notes????

    i can but its bundled into a book i photocopied the things but... i the major concern im having with that is that i might scan them to my comp and send it to ya but u gotta wait cause im not intend to use my net until the end of the month therefore ill send it by my school email:) btw when is it...
  2. expertdkx

    Would i get penalise for?

    if in the exam i write my prescribed textb "Away" but then u need a related text on top so would the related text be counted if i write other presecribed texts that is mentioned on the exam paper eg. Drama - Away poerty - Immigrant Chronicle film - Rabbit Proof Fence would i be penalise...
  3. expertdkx

    Weird Ph no. o.O"

    i went to a field trip ' People & Place tour ' at Sydney around Pymont and Ultimo walk-about including the CSR factory however we come across an extremely weird ph no. thats starts off 660 im just wondering what yr did the ph no. existed and when it start to have that type of ph. no and which yr...
  4. expertdkx


    same! but mine seems to be a hard topic but i came first outta that:) its not hard doin that SGP eh?
  5. expertdkx

    What is gentrification?

    Gentrification: in most cases it meant the buying of an urban dwelling and renewing it [flourishing it] Pymount, Redfern Ultimo are examples...
  6. expertdkx

    Mark my essay...

    Q. Evaluate the impacts of, and responses of people to, environmental change, with reference to at least ONE ecosystem at risk. for me i'll answer: the impacts and the responses of the people in relations to environmental change is very visible in the GBR. the impact of GBR with the response...
  7. expertdkx


    I'm doing my SGP on the difference in property values between two suburbs and their effects on homebuyers. Any ideas on where i should start gathering information? Help appreciated. xx. 1st: which 2 suburbs? 2nd: what class type ur gonna get; working class. middle class. bussiness class etc...
  8. expertdkx

    [How to and what i should mention?]

    Assess the significance of the Truman Doctrine in the struggle to contain communism from 1947 to 1975. for this question i had to do an oral presentation but im confused on what i should mention due to the fact that the official BOS ARC dont have sample answer for this question so i cant follow...
  9. expertdkx

    (need help)Rocket PROJECT!!!

    Lol yea a soft drink bottle style one :D 1.25L one The competition will be to launch an egg and recover it intact.The scoring will be the time the egg is aloft.If the EGG breaks,the score is zero.each team will get two rocket launches using either same rocket for both launches,or a different...
  10. expertdkx

    Hokay, someone plz help me for my SGP

    in this case u gotta do 2 things 1st. make a survey for the growing urbanisation in Wollongong 2nd. make another set of survey for the declining of urbanisation in Port Kemba then compare both then make a graph showing the decline and growth compare in terms of years eg. 2008, 2007, and so on...
  11. expertdkx

    do we get binary data sheet?

    ye i know the easy way well u need a blank paper on it u write in 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 etc. then get the decimal value eg. 578 in binary = 578 - 512 =66 66 - 64 = 2 2 - 2 = 0 then 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 = 578 in binary 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024
  12. expertdkx

    im stuck in....

    displaying line-by-line into a control array of labels i.e x as index open text file read line 1 copy value from line 1 to label(x).caption next line loop until EOF of file but i cant seem to find one that work well..
  13. expertdkx

    Senior Geography Project have a look on wat i done
  14. expertdkx

    Skills in Geo

    im making my the dot point during my Trial and my next holi. so ill post them if i done them..
  15. expertdkx

    Skills in Geo

    make a ppt and convert the syllabus dot point to ppt and make short notes
  16. expertdkx

    Biophysical Enviroments Assigment Due Tomorrow

    well i would start.. Explain the four biophysical processes as they OPERATE at Bantry bay and asses the impact of humans on the two creeks at this location. At Bantry Bay the four main biophysical interactions that have on the site and its human contribution to the creek at the location. there...
  17. expertdkx

    Here some Free stuff hope it helps!

    well i done my SGP Last yr and i came 1st in the class.. here i have uploaded a package about the SGP i did "How Global Warming affects Australia, its Economy and its People?" URL DEAD SRY. Well if ur stuck on it u can see what i have done..:) just bare in mind my work are majority are...
  18. expertdkx

    Major project help

    do i need to put in maps, etc..?
  19. expertdkx

    Map of Egypt?

    Re: any1 help? Thnx that wat i need
  20. expertdkx

    major work proposal

    same i got the same problem i got my question planned out but im unsure of the structure Intro, body, conclusion wat each part must contain..? well my topic for the project is: related to the Vietnam War: Battle of Long Tan and its different conflicting ideologies. discuss with...