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  1. Brontecat

    sectarianism in early Aust. settlements

    I'm struggling a bit with this question: "Report on the impact of sectarianism in the early part of Australian settlement. Outline four areas where this practice was influential (positive or negative) to the colony as a whole." To answer the question i have to fulfil the following...
  2. Brontecat

    Accelerants and ATAR

    I've read the stuff about ATAR and only understand that the new top rank is 99.95 not 100, but what does in mean about the year 7 thing and what does it mean for people accelerating certain courses
  3. Brontecat

    prelim biology question plz help

    Explain how past and present bacterial environments tell us a story about the history of life on Earth. any help will be much appreciated :)
  4. Brontecat

    What are logs??

    What are logs?? i've just started this topic so im not too sure what exactly a log is and i dont understand how it just goes away it would be rlly helpful if someone could give an example and explain it :)
  5. Brontecat

    Has the 'Does God Exist Thread' impacted you in any way??

    In other words has the thread made you go 'hey there is a God' or 'atheists rule' or simply reaffirmed your faith for me its done the latter, sort of cemented my beliefs
  6. Brontecat

    Prelim Bio - Evolution

    What are people's thoughts on evolution? Do you agree with it wholly, partially or not at all?? Why or why not? What evidence to you have to back up your claim?? Just some questions that may or may not be helping me with my Biology evolution assignment :) Your help is greatly...
  7. Brontecat

    Prelim. IPT questions

    I've loooked on the internet, in my textbook and on the bored website but thus far have been unable to answer the following questions: 1. Identify and compare and contrast the .doc, .pdf, .txt and .htm file formats for text data. 2. Describe some of the different ways that software can be...
  8. Brontecat

    small class sizes

    a teacher at my school has said that if the class size is 5 or less your internal marks have no bearing on your hsc even though the school has to submit an internal mark to the BOS is this true? and if so what does it mean?
  9. Brontecat

    Primary School Teaching

    Just a few questions regarding becoming a primary school teacher? -what are the advantages/disadvantages to teaching primary? -what course(s) do u need to do at uni? -what subjects are generally required at pre-requisites? -which uni has the best reputation for these courses? -what is...
  10. Brontecat

    What learning style are you?

    hey, just thought i'd share this quiz i found that tells you whether you're a visual, auditory, kinesthetic or some combination learner. It got me spot on: "You are a visual and auditory learner. You can benefit by using a combination of sight and sound when studying. You might use the...
  11. Brontecat

    business that has lots of online info & nature of business q

    What's a business that i can find lots of information about online. Information such as: -Background (who, what, when, where, why, how it was established) -Legal Structure -It's internal and external elements of the businesses environment And can anyone explain what is meant by internal...
  12. Brontecat

    Spreadshet question

    What is a detail block? My task says "Detail Block for the sheet Income 2009" Then it says "Create the following columns; set the following data types; use the following cell ranges; enter data as required and develop formulae as required:" I don't understand how the two things are linked or...
  13. Brontecat


    For SOR 2 prelim. topic religious traditions in Australia pre 1945 the syllabus says i need to be able to examine the impact of sectarianism on the relationship among christian denominations in australia pre 1945 can anybody explain what sectarianism is about? i know the definition is...
  14. Brontecat

    Wikis with HTML, SML, WYSIWYG coding

    Does anyone know how to create a table of contents in a wiki? I know on wikipedia they automatically add one but i'm doing a private one using SML (simple mark-up lanuguage), HTML or WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). And is there a way that u can hyperlink to other words on the page...
  15. Brontecat

    What does everyone think of business studies?

    atm i am really enjoying it and have even learnt heaps about the economy right now like the recession and stuff but i know heaps of other people that rlly hate it and want to drop it in year 12. If u like it whats been the best or most interesting thing you've learnt and if u hate it waats...
  16. Brontecat

    efficiency of gaseous exchange (breathing) between insect, frog, fish & mammal

    I’m having trouble with this question ‘Evaluate the efficiency, with respect to the surface area, of the gaseous exchange surfaces in an insect, a fish, a frog and a mammal’. I understand that: In insects the air is passed through a network of tubes deep into the insects tissue, enters...
  17. Brontecat

    how parcel tracking works

    With particular reference to the hardware used to collect data, explain how parcel tracking works. What are the benefits for a) consumers; b) transport companies; c) sellers? Ref: Australian Air Express Website Thats the question i have to do, but i can't find it on the website. Does anyone...
  18. Brontecat

    Basic Microsoft Word Questions

    I need to do the following for an assignment in IPT but im not too sure of what they are and how to do them. What's print-layout view, does it mean print-preview? How do u put microsoft word into print-layout view?
  19. Brontecat

    Biology Hints & Tips

    Don't stress if you haven't studied much in year 11! Whilst it is better to study in year 11 as the HSC topic build upon them it is not absolutely neccessary it is never too late to begin studying. Work out how you learn best. Visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner, find the style that...
  20. Brontecat

    Who else is doing Bio this year??

    Who else is doing bio prelim or HSC this year, because in general this forum is pretty dead. So just wondering if there's life out there.