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  1. Rory


    lol I've got that question now too, I'm guessing you do OTEN as well?
  2. Rory

    Assessing with Essays

    Thanks Cayte, I'm just having one of those "I'm stupid" days lol everything I know seems to fly out the window when I'm forced to rush my work. I'll e-mail my english dept. to get some old essays, my modern hist teacher always sends me some example essays back with my work if I ask her to so it...
  3. Rory

    Assessing with Essays

    I've come to realise that my weakest point in most subjects right now is with Essays, It only seems to be lately since in past years I've always excelled with essays but recently I just seem to miss the point a lot, especially when asked to "assess" - I can't seem to register it in my head and...
  4. Rory

    Ancient History People

    I'm Ashie and in year 12 and I'm doing: The Development of the Greek World 800-500BC The Greek World from 500-440BC Xerxes the king of Persia and Spartan Society to the battle of Leuctra 371BC
  5. Rory

    Ancient And Modern?

    I do both and I think I prefer Modern, but it really depends on what I'm doing at the time, like I just finished Russia for Modern and at first I liked Modern most, but now I'm doing Greece in Ancient and I prefer it..lmao so it's a hard decision, normally I like Modern better though.
  6. Rory

    What do you prefer

    Tests - I don't know why, but I find theme easier than assignments.
  7. Rory

    When's ur last HSC paper??

    Mine is 12th November - Information Technology
  8. Rory

    So... where do you work??

    I work for this new bakery that provides for places like IGA - I just do like one shift a week on the weekends, it's night work that usually starts around 8-9:30 and can finish anywhere between 12-4am - I just pack and label the bread, set up the delivieries (my dad does the deliveries which is...
  9. Rory

    HSC timetable is out!!!!!!!!

    It is, I'm happy :-D I'm just the 18th Oct, 20th Oct, 21 Oct, 2nd Nov, 4th Nov and 12th Nov :-D Easy as pie hehe
  10. Rory


    I guess putting in something about Stalin and his purges might be good to add in, a big part of Stalin's position was based on fear, people were too afraid to speak against him so he had no competition and the little sign of competition he did have, he killed.
  11. Rory

    HSC timetable is out!!!!!!!!

    oOoh I'm pretty happy - My exams are all spaced out, start on the 18th and end on the 12th and I only ever have on exam a day. I like it. Although the fact that it's a bit of a reality check. I seriously didn't think we were close enough for a timetable yet.
  12. Rory


    I've heard mixed oppinions on it - it looks alright - mainly I was interested since it's a "psychological thriller" but like Lazarus said, the only psychological part seemed to be the main character being a psychologist. Either way, I think it just depends on how you like your movies. Everyone...
  13. Rory

    Handling failure and lack of motivation

    ^ I agree - Nerissa you your post was really helpful :) I've been feeling like Wohzazz (worse than that really) and you've kind of helped me want to get back into it :)
  14. Rory

    Your parents view on HSC

    My parents just tell me it's an exam and not to stress just do my best, lol I already sat a hsc last year for an accelerated course and got like 73 and they were over the moon so I don't really worry about them putting pressure on me this year.
  15. Rory

    Describe the Worste Teachers ever at ur school

    I've had a couple lol *thinks* I had this computer teacher in year 9-10 who was really just the metal work teacher, he knew nothing about computers and the entire 2 years were spent bludging.. Hmm I also had a business studies teacher who took over halfway through the year and she knew...
  16. Rory

    Anyone try OTEN Institute of TAFE

    I do OTEN - I love it. I did it last year for year 11 and I'm now doing it for year 12. Sure you need to be motivated and actually want to do well since you don't have people breathing down your neck and pushing you. I have my days where I think "oh fuck this" but generally it's not too bad. I...
  17. Rory

    *Distance Education*

    ^ It's a tafe facility specialising in distance education for nsw.
  18. Rory

    The Great Patriotic War and Stalin

    lol That's freaky, I've got the exact same question right now, I'm working on finding info for the answer so If I find anything good I'll be sure to let you know.
  19. Rory

    Stalin's Policies 1928-1941

    ^ Yep I mentioned that in the essay draft already, pretty much just said that another reason for Stalin's pursuit of economic change in Russia was to support his ideology of socialism in one country as it was believed by Marxist theory that socialism can only be fully introduced in countries...
  20. Rory

    Stalin's Policies 1928-1941

    Clerisy - It is a bit of a bitch to write, especially when it has to be four pages worth *hits head on desk*. I think I'll throw in a bit of info about his policies with religion and education though..I think overall a lot of his efforts were to strengthen the USSR against future threats (eg...