isn't the pin number just your b'day
eg born 29 may
Thats what it is in Victoria and SA
I've already done my UAC application, but i bypassed alot because they can transfer the info between states. My SATAC and UAC applications took all of 5 minutes
Whats the deal with 9 slots, we...
It's not essential for some unis, and at those unis it will have no bearing on your selection
However the skills learned strongly contribute to some areas of study in the course. Bio will get you familiar with key terms
Do at least one of Bio, Physics or chem
Highly recommended
Ahh, ok, i just have to kill someone and i'll be right back
A past student said thats how they do it, knew it wasn't that simple. The medentry percentiles are still bullshit tho, way too competitive for any real comparison.
Theres not much interest on the VCE board so i'm going to harass you good people
Firstly, ignore the MedEntry percentiles and only be interested in your raw scores. They're the best indicator, the percentiles are highly inflated by people who are just really commited to do well, the general...
Haha, i can see why
I honestly liked him, seemed to know what he was talking about.
He seemed to have credentials with behaviour based interviews
Not an overly pleasant man, but very direct, to the point
How did you find him? Specifically that is
If i may say so, he seemed to...
Haha, i can't help it
I spent two days at a UMAT course with Dallas Gibson
If you've heard of him you know that he is far more blunt than I
Sounds harsh, i know, has the unfortunate reality of being true though
Don't why i'm in the HSC forum, meh
Anyway, the time listed on your ticket is the arrival time, not test time.
One of the more unique experiences of yr 12 i've heard as they crush a mass of people into the hall, takes foooooooookin ages to get everyone organised apparently. It's not all...
i'm doing medentry, and their practice exams q's are much harder
i got 18/18 for section 2 on volume 1
Seems to be the trend that the ACER q's are a bit weaker than the exam