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  1. Counterfeit

    ACADEMIC demands a whiter Australia

    How has everyone seemed to miss the fact that THIS SO CALLED ACCADEMIC IS AN IMMIGRANT! What the fuck, what makes him immune to all the hypocritical shit he is spreading? Someone answer me that.
  2. Counterfeit


    Hmm coldplay, theyre nice. But not that special. I like them, i even stayed up till 2am once (v.late for me) to watch a coldplay concert. I wouldnt pay money for one of their CD's though, i burned rush of...head from a mate, and i hardly listen to it. Theyre just not that special. Theyre not...
  3. Counterfeit

    The 'left' = dirty?

    no, arguemnts contain substance, and have a structure or some sort this is a petty quarrel. "oo im better than you cuz youre a dumb poo brain wee face"
  4. Counterfeit

    Any instrument players?

    i always wish i'd stuck with an instrument and had more discipline ive gone through: piano (half a years worth of lessons) drums (learnt after school for about a month) clarinet (almost a year) trumpet (2 months, the teacher also had a french horn and trumbone i was taught the basics of)...
  5. Counterfeit

    The Next Generation

    I once read somewhere that in a survey the song that most people would wish to pass on to the next generation would be Imagaine - John Lennon So, if you could pass on say one compilation album of no more than 10 songs (but you dont have to give 10 by any means), or one existing album, what...
  6. Counterfeit

    The 'left' = dirty?

    STOP!! I’m surprised this thread has hit 3 pages and is still going strong. Why bother. No one is going to give into the others argument. Basically, left or right, the majority of you contain stereotypical attributes of both sides, that is most of you are narrow minded, ignorant...