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  1. legallytaouk

    School Stats on Arab Males

    ok.. please.. for next time.. its CEDAR not CIDAR...
  2. legallytaouk

    School Stats on Arab Males

    it is a known (not a very well known) but it is a known fact that lebs are not actually arabs unless they are of muslim origin..if they r of christian origin, then they r not arabs...if u choose u can class christian lebanese as phonecians since that is their origin. also...arabs don't usually...
  3. legallytaouk

    Fave line from a movie

    omg i hav soo many fav movie quotes... the problem.. I CANT REMEMBER! well the most recent dat im dying over are not from movies... der from tv the OC... wen seth goes to ryan after he has sex with summer for the first time n is telling him how bad it was... "i was a wet fish on dry...
  4. legallytaouk

    Modern History Studying Tips

    heyy thanx 4 d tips... i get sooo easly destracted... if the wind is blowing 2 loudly i'll go n chek it out n end up staring out my window for the next hour or so... im so bad!! neways yeh sum1 asked if any1 doing russia or sumething... im doing russia (trotsky n stalin blah blah) and the...
  5. legallytaouk

    How do we determine our aligned marks?

    ur UIA mark is half ur total assessment mark from school plus half ur HSC exam mark... dat SAM thingy is soo fukn gay n i hate it.. it depreseses meee so badly
  6. legallytaouk

    NRL Thread

  7. legallytaouk


    NOOO I WISH SHE DID!!! SHE juz held it in her hand n waitind 4 it to stop ringing... i was guna get up n ask if she needed help... she was really old with hot pink shows n hot pink lipstick... t'was funny.. guess u had 2 b ther
  8. legallytaouk


    agghhhh that happend at our first english exam.. paper 1... within the first 10 mins ov writing time... her starts going off.. it took her around another 5 mins 2 find her fone... stoopid person on d other line wouldn even ahng up.. its soo enoyin!!!
  9. legallytaouk

    Was Section III a speech?

    i rote a intro b4 saying goodmorning blah blah blah,.. is that bad?? :( i used I IIII wateva but i 4got 2 end with thank u... is that bad aswll? i ended with saying "this chapter ov our lives is the end to a new begining" asin we going into the world.. blah blah... i duno.. i think i did soo...
  10. legallytaouk

    Module B - Close Study of Text

    i was staring at this question for the hole 5 mins ov reading time plus 10 mins into the exam.... u no the cleched saying"in one ear out the next"?.. well it didn even make my ear... or wateva... STOOOOPID QUESTION i had no idea wat it ment so i rote about techniques... didn ryt bout issues...
  11. legallytaouk

    using two films for the truman show

    yeh a film clip shud be ok... im doing an I-POD advertisement and CHristina aguilira's film clip for "beautiful" body image blah blah ... i think u shud b fine
  12. legallytaouk

    [B]other realted texts[B]

    um.. i hope to god u'v figured it out already coz the exam in 2moro.. but its that u shud hav 2 for each module.... good luck
  13. legallytaouk

    On line Study Group

    heey sorry it dusn let me PM u for sum reason... weird.. anyways ur WE ALL FALL DOWN notes look oh so appealing!!! hehe.. can u plz send them too meee and if anyone else has notes on WE ALL FALL DOWN, TRUMAN SHOW or EDUCATING RITA... please dont hesitate to send them to me.. my e-mail is...
  14. legallytaouk

    HELP!! nayone hav anything on we all fall down, educating rita or the truman show???

    HELP!! anyone hav anything on we all fall down, educating rita or the truman show??? heey i swear i cud use sm help.. im soo screwed!!! i need anything on 1) WE ALL FALL DOWN 2) EDUCATING RITA 3) TRUMAN SHOW THANX SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!
  15. legallytaouk

    The 2004 HSC - English Paper 1

    i guess that cud work... hehe
  16. legallytaouk

    The 2004 HSC - English Paper 1

    how did u ppl get online so fast n already post pages n pages ov stuff... i did pretty shit.. i though i did good untill i reunited with my friends after the exam n started talking about it... :S not happy JAN! i guess my several rosearys didn help as much as i thought they did!!! lol... but i...