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  1. C

    Revision for 4units

    Hey how on earth do I revise for 4unit maths and 3unit maths. I'm getting really confused. Is there a site where I can print all the formulas ( there aren't many ) for 4unit. Also any methods for studying and revising for 4unit/3unit maths. Thanks all, and Good Luck for your trials =)
  2. C

    How to improve my essay's in Business Studies

    Hi there, I want to know ways how I can improve my extended response that is the last two sections in a business studies exam paper. I pick up alot of marks from short answers and multiple choice, but i tend to pick up only 12 or 14 out of 20. Im fine with the 1st and 2nd section. Ive maximised...
  3. C

    Getting a Job. Before Hsc or after Hsc

    Hey im thinking of getting a job again, but im confused should i get a job before hsc begins or after.. when is the best time to start hunting down jobs. can you list me some good times or places where i can find some good decent paying jobs. please no fast food lol.. im happy working in...
  4. C

    Girls asking boys out or the other way around!

    Why is it always the boy asking the girl out, what role does a girl play in the beginning of a relationship.. :vcross:
  5. C

    2/3 unit Maths In Focus ( FULL WORKING OUT )

    Hey, guys. I'm looking for a link or something that I can access to the maths in focus (text book) 2/3unit. Its not for me, I'm doing 4unit but I really need it. I'm just trying to find like a website that has the working out for that book thanks.
  6. C

    Need Help In English.

    Hi there, Im doing standard english and I dont do anything ( crap out every period) my thing is, i want a website which basically explains in depth about all of henery lawson poems, The movie Rabbit Proof Fence ( Molly and the other girls ) Physical Journey etc etc etc... Can some one help me...
  7. C

    Integration by parts. Find S Sin(x)Cos(x)

    I know you can do this the simple way, but I'm trying to make life abit harder, try using integration by parts to solve this, if you can't. This is a start for you, find the recurrenece formulae of S sin^n (x)cos^m (x) or S sin^n (x) cos^m(x) or S sin^m (x) cos^m (x). Good Luck !!!!!
  8. C

    I want to get a Scholorship

    Hi, I always faced with that word " Scholorships " and I think this will make my life abit easier if I had it. Does anyone know where I can get one or apply for one. I need HELP eg ( financially, etc etc you name it ) I'm getting 5-10 points/mark extra for my UAI already, but I want to get a...
  9. C

    Ext 2 Random Questions.

    Hi, I was just wonderin where can I find Random ( hard, I mean really hard ) TOPIC BY TOPIC Ext 2 / Ext 1 Books/ papers etc etc on the net or shops. I currently have Fitzpatrick ( for babies ) and Cambridge ( ?? ).. I find these two books not good enough some how, I dont know why, like i can...
  10. C

    Integration Question

    Hi, I just started Integration today, and was wonderin with this rule.. it goes like this S f ' (x) / f (x) dx = ln | f(x) | right ? therefore when u apply this here S sec^3 (x) tan (x) dx = 1/cos^3 (x) x sin(x) / cos(x) >> sin(x) / cos^4 (x) right ??? therefore f(x)= cos (x) and f '...
  11. C

    Hard or Easy Maths Question... 4unit class come solve it

    The figure below shows a rectangle 15 cm by 6 cm. The area of Triangle A is 4 cm2 and the area of Triangle B is 16 cm2. What is the area of Rectangle C? This is a test, I am not responsible for any stress caused by this question. This is a test of faith. Do you have faith in you're self or...
  12. C

    4unit poly question... Help please

    Hi.... Here is the question. The roots of the Quadratic x^2 - 8x +20 = 0 are alpha and beta. Form an equation whose roots are alpha + 1 / alpha , beta + 1 / beta. ................................................................................................................ Thanks in...
  13. C

    Extension 1 Maths: Past papers, Trials and Half Yr's papers

    Hi, I found some 4unit maths papers, from different school, but I wans't able to find some 3 unit papers. Can you link me some please. Thanks :burn:
  14. C

    Australian Stock Exchange Game !!

    Hey guys, I was wondering if any one was playing the ASX game.. It's pretty cool game. Can you post you're general thoughts.. Thanks Also leave you're user name ( from the game ) and also rank and you're current value.. Thanks € PS: I'm No LIFE... 41st state =) 99 National
  15. C

    Ext 2 Exam Papers

    Hi, Do you know any website other then biki, board of studies or this site that I can access 4unit exam papers ( topic by topic ).. Thanks Goooooooo 4unitsssss I dont even know why I chose this subject, I suck at general maths =(
  16. C

    4 unit half yearly 2008 !

    Hey guys, please feel free to share you're thoughts on how you went in the exam =) Mine is on thursday lol.. only 3 chapters graphs,poly and complex aim 95+ =) GOOD LUCK CLASS OF 2008 I'm you're comp =)
  17. C

    Do You Believe In Allah.

    So tell me whats you're religion. I'm Muslim by the way. for all those ignorant people who dont have a clue about religion no need you're ignorance here. Thanks =)
  18. C

    What marks will get me a UAI of 85+%

    My Average ranks are 1st 2nd and 3rd. lets just say top 3 I do Economics, Business Studies, 4unit maths, 3unit maths and standard english. Thanks alot =) xD..........:hammer: