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    UAC Main Round Offers NOW Out (Discussion Thread)!

    B Teaching/B health and physical education at newcastle
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    O Week

    oi tamster, guess who
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    no, i emailed csu and they said i would get another offer from UAC if i accept this offer
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    I got into human movement under PREP, it is not my first choice, but i will go there if i do not get accepted else where. If i accept this offer, will i still get offered a course through UAC or not.
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    principals rec

    if i accept a principals rec can i still recieve an offer through uac
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    SCU anyone?

    i applied for B human movement at lismore
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    what r my chances of doin pe teaching for a year and then trying to swap to physiotherapy??
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    Father and Child

    thankyou soooo much
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    Human Rights Assessment Task

    What about the mandatory sentencing in WA....and how the boat people are being held in WA, this is a breach of human rights
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    Monkeys, Prosimians, Apes

    which of these does it says has stereoscopic vision, core biology states they have binocular vision......if its wrong thankyou for telling me because i dont have the syllabus
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    Monkeys, Prosimians, Apes

    Prosmians = eyes are at the side of their heads Apes = binocular vision Old World Monkeys = Binocular vision, Tail-less. No prehensile tail, some facial expressions, long fingers and toes, cheeck pouches and specialised stomaches New World Monkeys = Binocular vision, Prehensile tail, naked...
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    Father and Child

    Does anyone have any notes on Father and Child (Parts 1 and 2) with critical readings, because i cant find any critics opinions anywhere on the net and i dont get all these different types of readings and stuff (eg psychoanalytic, postmodern etc..)
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    In relation to emma and clueless what is meant by the historical, social, personal and cultural context of the texts??
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    Polygamous Marriages

    oh my god! your so samrt, thankyou so much
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    Polygamous Marriages

    I need information on Polygamous Marriages in relation to children, Maintenance, inheritance, property settlements etc.. any help would be appreciated :) :) :)
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    YR11 Assignment help

    Most of it should be in your legal text book, but if you have a problem why not just consult the teacher and ask for help. My teacher is really helpful and gives possible books and websites for us to look at. So just ask...
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    tuition anyone?

    I need help with the problems with the individual health approach, and how these might be overcame.
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    To Decarbonate Soft drink...

    yeh, we just weighed it and opened the can and weighed it again in 15 mins....easy
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    case laws

    yeh, ok thanx
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    case laws

    I have an assignment on criminal law and i have to use a case law that shows either recklessness or negligence....any ideas?