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  1. nessie_lee

    Bachelor of Psychology???

    Don't do it! for the love of your mum please don't do psych! lol I'm attempting to write a horrendous lab report for psych 1020 at the moment and it's so blooming horrendous! I'd just see if you can transfer after 1st year, that's what i'm doing (but not into psych!)
  2. nessie_lee

    1 week till holidays!

    I know! was every one at the AIC yesterday or what? I didn't think i'd have trouble getting a computer on a friday!!
  3. nessie_lee

    Home and Away

    i know! Flynn can't die! It's so stupid, just when a happy couple seems settled and 'normal' they rip them apart because one dies or disappears... i mean Vinnie and Leah, Hayley and Noah and now Sal and Flynn. Why oh why! I'm going to bawl when they have the funeral...I nearly cried tonight...
  4. nessie_lee

    Home and Away

    FLYNN CANNOT DIE!! noo! is he even going to to radiation therapy or chemo, or something?
  5. nessie_lee

    1 week till holidays!

    Going home.. (sydney).. oh and maybe some uni work.. maybe! :P
  6. nessie_lee

    Group Interview for Sanity

    I've got a group interview for Sanity up here in Newcastle on Saturday. Does anyone know what this entails?... what goes on etc. Anyone been successful in one? Ta :)
  7. nessie_lee

    65 girls at area high school pregnant - ohio

    They also encouraged children to take part in 'erotic play' didn't they?? It's all their fault!!!! lol.
  8. nessie_lee

    Callahan open day, sat 10th sept

    It was the same over on the Shortland side. AIC was packed all day on Wednesday! Something must have been due, it was insane! I wonder where all the computers from Cybercycle went?...
  9. nessie_lee

    All Saints

    Stephanie wasn't it? I remember crying when she died ... sad i know.
  10. nessie_lee

    Advice?? Anyone?? please lol Need info about BA

    It's a first, trust me! ;)
  11. nessie_lee

    crappy lectures/tutes/whatever

    Nah the woman from CULT 1100 hates students as well..... She doesn't seem to want to help at all..
  12. nessie_lee

    Advice?? Anyone?? please lol Need info about BA

    I concur! I went to the first lecture of it and was so bored and confused about what the heck he was going on about that i left the lecture, went into the nearest computer lab and dropped the subject. I enjoy the Sociology side of it, not the anthropology. I didn't mind SOCA 1010, and if...
  13. nessie_lee

    Callahan open day, sat 10th sept

    If you're coming up from Sydney or the Central Coast, i recommend getting the train to Broadmeadow, and then the 226 from there to Uni. It drops you off at the Maths Bus Stop which is near the Great Hall (where i'm presuming some of the stuff will be). This way you don't have to walk like 10 km...
  14. nessie_lee

    crappy lectures/tutes/whatever

    SPSW 1002-... grrr...
  15. nessie_lee

    All Saints

    Don't worry Mel, your not alone, I watch it as well!, have done for years.. it's a tops show! :)
  16. nessie_lee


    Yeah i thought that if VSU came in. then GSC would be abolished! I'm not paying $180 a semester to pay off the uni's debt!
  17. nessie_lee

    The Mole

    Grant Bowler did such a better job as host! Nothing beats the first series, because back then it was fresh, new and different. Tom Williams just doesn't have the 'serious' knack that Grant had.. it sets the tone of the whole show!
  18. nessie_lee

    student questionnaire

    I got 'picked' as well. I wonder if they give $3000 for each person who fills out the questionnaire, or just $3000 for each charity when everyone fills them in. It must be $3000 in total because if they paid out that much for each person the uni would be in more debt than they are in now!
  19. nessie_lee


    I know! how disgusting is that Bin! .. I actually walked past it, and there were three 'ground maitenance' (sp?) people there with little tongy things attempting to pick it all up....
  20. nessie_lee

    The Ashes

    Dude calm down! It's just a sport! Millions of people are dying every day from poverty, us losing an Ashes series isn't that bad!