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  1. S

    The night before and morning of an exam...

    i tend to do overnighters for every of my major exams such as pre-trials, trials, etc. it helps with remembering things better and clearly or else once you shut your eyes, everything just floats away. mother and v drinks could also bring a great boost during the night. good lucks. ;)
  2. S

    What would you do different?

    i guess nothing really, can't say i would have put in more effort cause it will always be the same...
  3. S

    quick uai estimate plz

    she must do very well and put in all her best. ;)
  4. S

    What would you do different?

    there is no way i am ever going to do year 12 again. edit: if you're looking for advice, just do the best you possible can, plan your time well, no regrets.
  5. S

    Did you receive your letter of confirmation from UAC for EAS?

    i filled out on the UAC application for preferences but not the actual EAS forms, i'm thinking they link it together using the UAC numbers?
  6. S

    Did you receive your letter of confirmation from UAC for EAS?

    wtf? i don't remember filling my email address on the application form. pfft.
  7. S

    Anyone else done subjects they regret doing?

    true that, could matter alot without those bonus points.
  8. S

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: What is ua last HSC exam and when is it? Information Processes and Technology ~ 13:55 - 17:00, 30th, October, 2008
  9. S

    What will you be doing post-HSC?

    just chilling around i guess.
  10. S

    anyone else bluding???

    i seriously doubt i can even get a UAI of at least 65.
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    procrastinating: your biggest distractions

    anything other than work really.
  12. S

    Anyone else done subjects they regret doing?

    it does however suck away quite some time that to maintain that physics subject.
  13. S

    Scenario: HSC Starts tomorrow?

    i would shit myself no joke.
  14. S

    Anyone else done subjects they regret doing?

    alot of the hospo content in the course is in fact theory work.
  15. S

    Anyone else done subjects they regret doing?

    ipt...:( not doing too bad, the course isn't a hard one, just the boredom of the content.. wanted to do legal studies but it wasn't offered.
  16. S

    EAS Applications

    you can apply for EAS still under the misadventure category..
  17. S

    What are you guys doing to study?

    i'm playing my psp..:o