6. boiling point of ammonia is -33<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 10"><meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 10"><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument>...
O+ here
i've only donated once and have been meaning to donate again but haven't found the time!
i've got a mad scar where they stuck the needle in but only got enough blood out for the tests they run. they took the actual donation out of my other arm.
the bow is due 7th of september ... yikes!
anyways im doing a portait of my family using oil pastels, its kind of a bit hard to explain and i hate how everyone keeps asking me what am i doing. :evilfire:
SGP....omg that was so annoying
i did mine on the econmomic down turn of my town due to the closure of the abatior and mines.
i didn't know that my school was built for 1500 students until i did this but currently we have just over 600.
just when things where looking good for this crap of the...
senior uniform
senior toilets
yr 12 common room (only opened up this year)
canteen line
library opened monday and thursday afternoon
yr 11 and a yr 12 area
no sport
go home at 1:11 on wednesdays and 2:30 on fridays ( school finishes at 3:25)
study periods
senior only computers
at my school we spent all of term one on motion, which was 3 weeks to long, but we are back on track with the time frame thing. only have one more idea (as my teacher calls it) of energy left.
im not particularly interested in geog, but it was the only decent thing on the line besides bio, but i didn't want to be doing 6 units of science. my sgp is going along the lines of 'rural decline'
also the BOS can't ask anything in the HSC that isn't on the outcomes. they can easily be changed into questions, and if you can answer the questions, then you have the course down pat.
Re: How long are your periods??
mine go for 51 mins. 6 periods a day. two 33min breaks however it used to be 5 periods running at 61 mins each. it was a bit hard getting used to the shorter times and not going home at the end of fifth period
not really but they have assumed knowledged. i want to be a chemical engineer which has the assumed knowledge of 3 unit maths, physics (all engineering courses have this) and chemistry.
but it also depends of the uni you want to go to, some have required subjects.
about 600 students at my school which was built to educate 1,600, which it did when it first opened. this is due to urban decline. btw i come from the country.
well in the topic 'moving about' you really need a good understanding of scalors and vectors to get anywhere, in which i am lacking at the moment. it doesnt really help that our texts books havent arrived yet so we have heaps and heaps of sheets.
you poor thing. (dont mean that in a bad way) we studied animal farm last year and it was the most boringest book ever. half the class didn't even finish it.
all levels of english are studing 'changing' standard are reading 'looking for alabrandi' in which they had to compare it to the...