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  1. XPac2

    Jizz in the Eye?

    lol best avatar ever ^^ colbert FTW
  2. XPac2

    Jizz in the Eye?

    yeh but after seeing what i didto ur mums eye i decided not to subject him to that, might've been accused of a h8 crime.
  3. XPac2

    Fuckin young love...

    Well yer but urs has been n for years, not a fewmonths...
  4. XPac2

    Fuckin young love...

    Actually a paramedic told me all of this during health education seminar week. Its only an average, but these kids dnt understand what they're on about.
  5. XPac2

    Fuckin young love...

  6. XPac2

    Fuckin young love...

    I never said their viewpoints were of no value. But u cant truly understand love until ur frontal lobe is at least 60% developed, which doesnt occur to on average, 15 years of age.
  7. XPac2

    Fuckin young love...

    lol looked at the thread in the directory and im tired so i thought it said "fuckin ur inner child" lol
  8. XPac2

    Fuckin young love...

    +1 i think that even shws like home and away and shit teach younger kids bout what love is in the context of a bunch of clearly drug fucked producers. I dnt think that screaming at each other for every little mistake is necessary. And besides, in IRL hw many relationships have one party that os...
  9. XPac2

    Fuckin young love...

    yer i mean wtf are they one? u cant fall in love within three months! u can develop a need to fuck them, but thats not love.
  10. XPac2

    Fuckin young love...

    Ok so a couple of thirteen year olds were just screaming at each other outside my damn window about the "love" they shared and how they "couldnt believe he'd do that" and that "she thought he loved her" after they'd been together for 3 months so i started thinking... do u guys think that 8th...
  11. XPac2

    Jizz in the Eye?

    and hw would u knw this?
  12. XPac2

    hahaha that eye jizz thing is funny cos the other day at a careers expo, JADE was calling her...

    hahaha that eye jizz thing is funny cos the other day at a careers expo, JADE was calling her boyfriend her "other half" and they aint married so i like massivel rofl'd
  13. XPac2

    Jizz in the Eye?

    hahahahahahahahahahahaha lol if u only knew!!
  14. XPac2

    Jizz in the Eye?

    *sigh* lemme guess, she'll get some sort of complex about her weight?
  15. XPac2

    Jizz in the Eye?

    Yeah Sydney's weird, i almost got stabbed once fr looking a Leb guy in the eye :o Jade-pher yes that was my gf, or as u would prefer to call her my "other half"
  16. XPac2

    Jizz in the Eye?

    oh Hai Black Kat, how are u? I trust all is well down there in Sydney? wats the weather like?
  17. XPac2

    picking up girls- for the ladies

    no wonderthat movie was a flop... just like ur dick will be if u attempt to use that line.
  18. XPac2

    Jizz in the Eye?

    Does this really hurt ladies? Cos i almost did it to my gf the other nite and she refuses to look at it at eye level nw lol.