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  1. mimi2195

    HSC Chem Notes - Free

    any prelim chem notes ? lol
  2. mimi2195

    State of origin ii !!!

    i live in NSW but slightly support QLD because Jonathon Thurston is my fave NRL player :inlove:
  3. mimi2195

    Second chances?

    Most guys let their Pride & superiority of being a "man" overrule any feelings they may have for a lady, thats why he may not have the confidence to spill his heart out to you. just be patient and take my advice be straight forward with him! ask him questions and let him know that you care :)...
  4. mimi2195

    Your Opinion On Chemistry ?

    Oh im not struggling with General at all! But I just see it as pointless because I can't really do much with it except waste my time trying to study for it haha >_<
  5. mimi2195

    Your Opinion On Chemistry ?

    Good luck with all of that :D !
  6. mimi2195

    Your Opinion On Chemistry ?

    wise words ! so what are you planning to do after HSC ?
  7. mimi2195

    Your Opinion On Chemistry ?

    I will continue Chem because Id rather drop General but Im also trying to get as much help as i can with chemistry on account of my school not being able to thoroughly teach the course decently lol
  8. mimi2195

    Your Opinion On Chemistry ?

    lol NOT at all ! It was a major mistake choosing General Maths but it was either that OR a VET Retail course. I will consider dropping General next year tho, I honestly dont find it necessary!
  9. mimi2195

    Your Opinion On Chemistry ?

    Hey guys :), I am currently studying Chemistry as part of my 2012 Preliminary HSC Course. I have obtained many advice from past students who undertook Chemistry in their HSC exam and majority of feedback I received was that Chemistry is the hardest possible exam to achieve a satisfactory mark...