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  1. L

    70 going into 90 courseS?

    is there a possibility or has it ever happened? that a person with a 70+ atar being able to get into a low 90s course?? or isert impossible? Like for business UTS? do yuo think thers a possibility the cut off will go down?
  2. L

    Acess Scheme + Bonus Points

    yeah by mail.. >< they tell you that elegible, and they also tell you how many bonus points in another maiil or letter
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    Acess Scheme + Bonus Points

    but he must have got alot of points for acess scheme like 10 right? and then plus bonus plus scheme, i think thats why he got in in this case i only have 4
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    Acess Scheme + Bonus Points

    hey, i just got my elegibility from UNSW and they are willing to give me 4 bonus points for the acess scheme, and also i get 2 for bonus plus scheme, i got a ATAR of 73.45, and my cut off course is 78 do you think i can get in? like atm i can, but im scared if it might go up for Bachelor of Arts...
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    fo which uni?? cause it depends on subjects he did an what bands he got.
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    i wonder how muxh they give fo being in disadvantage school?
  7. L


    thanks xD hopefully i cann\ but i think im doubting it cause it unsw
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    i got 73.45 and pretty dumbfounded.. but i would like to get into B.Arts UNSW which the cutoff is 78 i have the acess scheme for disadcantaged school and also 2 bonus points for UNSW do you think i can make it into the couse?
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    General Thoughts: Economics

    wait what was the question again?? did it say AUSTRALIA AND another economy or did it say AUSTRALIA OR ANOTHER COUNTRY T.T arg i stuffed up ><
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    General Thoughts: Economics

    what do u mean by that? LOL
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    General Thoughts: Economics

    can you guys please help me estimate one of my marks im very worried T.T for section 3 i didnt no micro so i did the other one.. and like i mentioned economic develpment like all the parts and integrated alot of the stimulus but didnt talk bout another econoy or australia like thoroughly? do u...
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    Band Cut-Offs

    hoping they will scale alright.. i think i stuffed up in MC and the section 3 essay i didnt really talk much about another economy?? will i lose that much marks?
  13. L

    Sections III, IV - Extended Response

    i think macro was alright.. but shit im scared for the section 3?? i wasnt too confident on micro. so i did the other economy.. how much marks would i lose if i didnt really talk about another economy?? like i mentioned africa and talked alot about the stimulus but didnt really say like specific...