Re: Israeli Gaza Airstrikes
I don't mean to take sides in an issue i don't fully understand or have a great deal off knowledge on, but... danyans post still counters "The Israelis took the land via force" argument.
Why was my response out of place? It clearly is a God of Gaps. Your asking us to explain unknown phenomena, which offcourse, we don't know, at least yet.
Theory of Magnetic Reconnection
Has some info on magnetic reconnections
When the Earth's magnetic field reverses, does its rotation also switch?
"the figure above shows how the magnetic field has been changing over the last 13,000 years and how we are currently in a state of declining field...
Shakespeare has pretty much nailed your argument. :hammer:
But to give you a specific answer; every 55 thousand years or so the earths magnetosphere snaps, switches poles and basically resets. (think thats how it works anyways.)
It's crap, using the same principle, if the something needs to be designed, if it is deemed complex, then this would imply the designer would needed to be designed as well.
That + argument of poor design.
Wait, wait, you first generalize the entire Australian people, and then you to distance yourself from your Australian identity because they are all ignorant Rednecks who in turn generalize all Lebs as criminals/scum/etc...
You know what, maybe it's a good thing you won't identify yourself...