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  1. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?

    wtb a spotter.
  2. zehurricane

    Does UNSW always provide fee-free bus ??

    pfft, who pay bus ticket these days? just buy a my bus 1 and use that :)
  3. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?
  4. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?

    Maybe they trying to make up for the loss in investment from SG UNSW and other random crap that UNSW waste on. OTT.. but how long does it take for UNSW to upgrade they lift system in Library.. it been 2 years already.
  5. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?

    ok i started and yaaa.. the 715 dollar per year is upfront only and not direct debit.. direct debit is 85 dollar per month.. sigh :( but whatever, need to be healthy.
  6. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?

    i'm scared now.. stalk again.. :(
  7. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?

    what a spotter? those people who direct mortar to target?
  8. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?

    Is the class including? like the pump attack or whatever it call.
  9. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?

    cool, thank.
  10. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?

    What do you mean?
  11. zehurricane

    UNSW gym?

    Sup Ladies.. Is the uni gym any good? heard it get crowded there sometime.. Thinking of going there to lose some fat.
  12. zehurricane

    Info Day 2012

    will there be girls? i dont want to go miniBOS event fill with hotdogs.
  13. zehurricane

    The First Kiss

    My first kiss(pash) were similar to this.. with a red head : /
  14. zehurricane

    Which ethnicities/ethnicity is a NO for you?

    BIG NO NO is non asian. maybe a hot brunette but who know..
  15. zehurricane

    Transfer to B Arts

    No Johaan, don't do it.
  16. zehurricane

    Are you Ugly?

    like this?
  17. zehurricane

    Food on campus

    Re: f00d on campus The food opposite the salad bar suck.. most of them can't even cook a proper ham and cheese sandwich... Only good thing there is the 3 dollar vanilla coke.
  18. zehurricane

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    PSYC1011 - Psychology 1B Content: 7/10 (Perception and Animal learning suck!) Lecturers: Most are 9/10, perception lady 4/10 (snorefest), Animal learning 2/10 (Kill me!) Overall: 7/10 Mid/Final Exam = Easy if you cram well.. Report = Pain in the ass.. still don't know what the hell is...
  19. zehurricane

    UNSW Enrolments and Timetables

    I got all my enrolment done at 8.30am yesterday.. PSYC2001 screw up for me and most people so I ended up calling the psyc faculty receptionist to manually enrol.