Agreed. Hilarious movie, and all the actors did fantastic jobs. I laughed WAY too hard in the scene where DiCaprio is trying to drive the car during the cerebral palsy stage hahaha so good. The fact that all of that is a true story makes it even more astonishing
Congrats on the mark! Yeah I think people place too much emphasis on ranks - as long as the internal marks are close, it usually doesn't make a huge difference in the end :)
Legal Studies:
Multiple Choice - 18/20
Human Rights - 14/15 (1/2 in peace rights question)
Crime - 14/15
Family Question 28a) 23/25
Workplace Question 31a) 24/25
raw mark - 93/100
HSC mark - 96/100
I'm a bit late, but thought I would post anyway for future HSC students who are wondering how legal studies aligns/ scales:
Legal Studies:
Multiple Choice - 18/20
Human Rights - 14/15 (1/2 in peace rights question)
Crime - 14/15
Family Question 28a) 23/25
Workplace Question 31a) 24/25...