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  1. raniaaa

    heyya chem was okay.. chem's chem what can i say nah i think i'll do okay i mean learning 95% in...

    heyya chem was okay.. chem's chem what can i say nah i think i'll do okay i mean learning 95% in the 2days before your exam has to be effective..right? :p kharab geradi i swear i hate him, whenever i see him i seriously wanna run at him with a 10m pole and shove it through his beer belly stupid...
  2. raniaaa

    shudddup :p it was good, sort of. some parts i aced, parts of it i was just waffling on, reckon...

    shudddup :p it was good, sort of. some parts i aced, parts of it i was just waffling on, reckon i get get like a 17 though. they asked for an experiment we did in class =.= LOL how was yours? did it wreck your ship or did it float your boat? LOL =.=
  3. raniaaa

    yeah it was okay, reckon i can get 65-70 whatever that scales to

    yeah it was okay, reckon i can get 65-70 whatever that scales to
  4. raniaaa

    awesome, congrats! :o

    awesome, congrats! :o
  5. raniaaa

    how was it

    tell me about it =.= what a waste of precious time that i could've used to cram for physics and legal :(
  6. raniaaa

    how was it

    me too and the oxides of nitrogen... would've been better if they had some CFC's in there though
  7. raniaaa

    howd you goooo also coop things are out... what a waste of time and effort =.=

    howd you goooo also coop things are out... what a waste of time and effort =.=
  8. raniaaa

    Band cut offs?

    what do you reckon a 65 and a 75 would be
  9. raniaaa

    Tables turned on HSC students (SMH)

    wow 2-3 students in one school.. but majority of the state can't and that's what's of concern, the majority, not the few exceptional students
  10. raniaaa

    PDHPE Text Message

    yeah i got one for english
  11. raniaaa

    Whose screwed for Industrial?

    wow i thought i was the only human being awake at this ungodly hour :mad1:
  12. raniaaa

    p.s i learnt forensic chemistry for the option

    p.s i learnt forensic chemistry for the option
  13. raniaaa

    Ninor you too

    Ninor you too
  14. raniaaa

    i know i'm burning to finish. ah well only 2/3 more days! :D chem LOL nah i've actually studied...

    i know i'm burning to finish. ah well only 2/3 more days! :D chem LOL nah i've actually studied heaps i should get a decent mark (by heaps i mean i crammed all weekend :shy:) yeah sure i'm gonna make photocopies of exams and that cos a few people have asked for it, so i'll probably make one copy...
  15. raniaaa

    Whose screwed for Industrial?

    just learnt forensics.. very easy but equally boring :o
  16. raniaaa

    ninor we're almost done :D

    ninor we're almost done :D
  17. raniaaa

    your current favourite song

    reptile - the church walking in the sunshine - frank sinatra
  18. raniaaa

    raw mark needed for band six

    i hope the whole exam is easy... i lose like 50 marks there :p
  19. raniaaa

    heyy why are you scared man you're totally gonna ace it :) study is going okay, i refuse to...

    heyy why are you scared man you're totally gonna ace it :) study is going okay, i refuse to learn the cation anion khara tests they're so long and complicated and i don't give a #$%& what colour the freaking precipitate turns :mad1: but i love love love the whole cfc stuff so interestingg and...
  20. raniaaa

    SIX texts

    lol as was i dearest :o