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  1. J

    Exam parking

    You cry, like me. And then go to the bar, like me, and then go home to your 21st :D (getting lifts both ways, I blame the unibar) Edit: 2004 thread, how cute, you were all just little tikes then.
  2. J

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! I'd like to momentarily invade this forum to thank you all, I just used the last 20 pages of this thread or so to stay sane while finishing my major sociology essay. *Goes back to her own dead forum now*
  3. J

    You Know Your From Sydney If..

    Re: You Know You're From Sydney If.. Quoted for motherfucking truth. Most Sydneysiders can't spell Wollongong either :P And I lived in Sydney for 2 years, so I can identify with most of those.
  4. J

    Is Islam a real threat in the West?

    Except I'm sure some people will always be happy to take another chance to bag 'insert religion of choice here'.
  5. J

    How many jobs have you had?

    1) Cashier- Harvey Norman 2) Nightfill, Woolworths 3) Sales Assistant/Manager- Domayne 4) Team Member- selling American Express (heh.) 5) Telesales Consultant- Optus 6) Telemarketer- Accor Hotels Currently jobless. Should get a job, I'm sick of being poor. Edit: I forgot my first job when I...
  6. J


    Nice doublepost.
  7. J


    An arts degree is an arts degree is an arts degree. The Psych department at UoW is very good, I've got a couple of friends in the degree. Just go with whichever uni appeals to you more travel/campus/etcwise, which would probably be UoW purely on your travel preferences.
  8. J

    New NCAP Moderator

    AryanBeauty for moderator. Or maybe not. Grats Iron.
  9. J

    Dads Banned from Wedding Isles

    Yeah, that's basically it. Why don't we make it 'the parents' giving away both sides of the couple? Too difficult logistically maybe.
  10. J

    Dads Banned from Wedding Isles

    An interesting idea. But being a Daddy's girl, I'll want my Dad to give me away when I marry :D
  11. J

    A decent age to settle down with a partner and have some few kids

    Around 25 for settling down (I'll only just be finished my undergraduate degree :(), sometime after that for kids.
  12. J


    Totally totally agree. I reasonably recently came out of a (2 year) relationship with someone who in the end I realised I had nothing in common with, I wanted and needed to grow as a person, I needed someone I could interact with on a level past grunting (yeah), somewhat intellectual, someone...
  13. J

    Good Aussie movies

    The Interview! Mostly because I <3 Hugo Weaving.
  14. J

    When Will You Move Out?

    Moved out, after school, stayed out for 2 years, moved back home this year, will probably move into my sister's basement sometime soon because this room is driving me batshit it's so small.
  15. J

    when do u want to get MARRIED/have a BABY!

    Not before 25 for marriage, probably closer to 30, and around 30ish for a kidlet.
  16. J

    Anybody in Master of strategic management and marketing?

    The reputation of your English needs work :(
  17. J

    what is your major ?

    Sociology/Politics/Philosophy. Maybe. Hoorah for being unemployable except in bureaucracy!
  18. J

    APEC police and their tactics, good or shit?

    Lone, nude protester. Almost getting knocked over in that arrest was so worth it for the hilarity factor. Maybe he had a bomb in his sock.