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  1. A

    Sorry..UAI prediction plzz~

    u people serous ..mid 90's with those mark (not trying to brag u out cat lover) ..i thouigh around 85%-89% ...those subjects don't rank good u know ..escpailly chinses and ESl.and also not in the top school..
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    Other SOR trail papers?

    yeah ...go to this post...appentenly there is a indepent SOR trail
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    Other SOR trail papers?

    i think there are bascially more SOR students then there are for ipt... BUT THE ipt FORUM SEEMS TO BE MUCH MORE BUSY ....LOL
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    Other SOR trail papers?

    i do SOR 1... my teacher is preety cool, he said his going to try to write one up for us to do in the i post it up if it's avalibale..
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    Size for your IPT class

    ahah that's funny- we dont have a history or geo. class casue not enough people choses it .ahah- so much opposite.
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    Other SOR trail papers?

    yeah most people from my school don't give a dam. about SOR they think it won't count..but it scales more then 2u math and SDD...dame......hey Dave85...u have any past papers besdie the CCS and HSC ons???
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    Size for your IPT class

    IT= 20 STD= 25 IPT=45+ na not all computer geius, like out of 45 IPT students only 20 smart one's then rest are lazy ass....but we have 3 really samart one's made it into the NSW computer programing yeah. big IPT but some small brains :P
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    Other SOR trail papers?

    yeha the mod for the forum not doing much hehe
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    Size for your IPT class

    lol 20 people is a lot..loo.. we ahve 2 IPT class, so like 45+ do IPT ..and my school only have 60 year 12's
  10. A to get in?

    About dentistry @Usyd.. it's a post-grad coures therefore u have to finishe a full degree first then appyly for the GMAT test and interview... aslo dentistry degree is a full fee paying coures not hecs-so yeah... fuck 8 years at uni.!!
  11. A to get in?

    yeah only melbourn have a undergrad. degree... how do u apply for it anyway?. that's the UAI?..also don't u need to take the UMAT test?
  12. A

    2unit: highest hsc band 6 mark?

    man this SOR forum is emtpy....there should be more SOR studnets out there.. helooooo
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    2unit: highest hsc band 6 mark?

    lol what's the diffence??..
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    Greatest ever game created....ever

    CS is d best game man..then come warcraft3
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    Communication Dot point - Photoreceptor cells

    hey can i email u..for the info as well :P?
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    Uni students pay dearly for cutbacks

    anyway i doubt the fucken legistration will be passed with so many party against it (greens, labour, demo. yeah ... jonny can go eat himself.
  17. A

    Defence Forces?

    i apply and made into ADFA... they even gave me p3 laptop for free. beacsue i made it in. also ADFA don't offer doctor degree... im doing aernotical enginner. preety cool as well casue UAI should be 95% . but they lowered it for all the peope who made it in for only a UAI of 90% .... TAX FREE as...
  18. A

    So Year 12s .. what's your first preference??

    i want to do med at melbourne uni. but don't know where i can apply?.. or even how ? help~
  19. A

    Other SOR trail papers?

    Are there other trial papers or sample paper from other soucre other then the CCS SOR paper????... is there a independ one? if u could plz post other paper up .thx. ( i guess everyone have the CCS so i won't post it up)
  20. A

    2unit: highest hsc band 6 mark?

    if u go to boraed of studies stats.. it tells u that in 2002 the highest was 100% .raw