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  1. zannaz

    any 1 got a band 6???

    Yes my grip is wrong too but i just clenched my teeth and just kept on going, My mind was thinking...hand hurting or failing HSC and that made me write fast, neatly although pain plagued my hands that night....and i do three social sciences/commercial studies subject which meant pages upon pages...
  2. zannaz

    UAC preferences

    I used to read all the posts everone made during September through to December. . .some funny ones some not so funny, some informative and so on.....but i never got around to registering! But since then i've been posting so much!!!
  3. zannaz

    When do we get our HSC proper CERTIFICATES?

    Yes! me too! i have orgained my nice portfolio in order, with my awards, references etc etc and now just waiting for the BOS official documents to arrive
  4. zannaz

    When do we get our HSC proper CERTIFICATES?

    I guess marks don't mean much, it's about peronal characteristics like communicative and interpersonal skills. However high UAI/HSC marks does mean you are somewhat intelligent (that's if you get high though)
  5. zannaz

    King Lear

    Call me crazy but i liked King Lear. . .There were so many different interpretations that in my exam i had so much to write about!!! Much better that 'Emma'.:mad:
  6. zannaz

    What uni you off to?

    I wanted to do Commerce (liberal Studies) initially but then i decided that beacuse my UAI wasn't high enough (95.45) that Commerce/Arts was for's only year extra plus i get two degrees!!!:D
  7. zannaz

    spoken text by peter skryznecki

    The pain that Kornelia feels also stems from the lack of fulfilment that Peter gives her. Peter has matured in Australia gaining with that the characteristics and social mores important to the Australia psyche thus not being able to connect on both a physical and emotional level with each other.:)
  8. zannaz


    My fave books 'On the Road' - Jack Kerouac 'Seahorses' - Bididsha 'The Man in The Box' - Thomas Moran 'Jane Eyre' - Charlotte Bronte 'Great Expectations' - Charles Dickens
  9. zannaz

    Syd vs. NSW

    The physical environment does play a big role in how well you do and the type of experience you encounter at university. . .and sydney has this laid back feeling but not to the extent of it being a lazy university. . .it still has it's academic standards i came from a school where i did all...
  10. zannaz


    What majors are you thinking of choosing??? Me pob Commercial Law and Industrial Relations and HRM!!! and for the arts Sociology and Government and International Relations!!!
  11. zannaz

    would you go to......

    Yeah that's true, the whole marketing plan is to attract students particularly high achieving ones with nice old granduer buldings and modern state of the art facilities. . . i know some people totally blinded by these things and solely choosing certian universities for superficial reasons. I...
  12. zannaz


    I'm put as my first preference B Arts/Commerce and then B Commerce
  13. zannaz

    would you go to......

    I would have never thought. . . i never really spent much time there at info day. . . . and looking at the exterior the uni looks really modern, and comfortable, which is also potrayed through their brochures!!!
  14. zannaz


    I'll see you there (hopefully). . .it's gonna be a challenging albeit exciting for us first year students
  15. zannaz

    would you go to......

    thought they were at Usyd, where they were holding economics/business mini lectures? It was very nice airconditioned, light and open auditoriums and lecture theatres!!! But Usyd does have some really old lecture halls that seemed run down!!! but only a few!!:D
  16. zannaz


    yes i know. . . . it's a good UAI...btu school withdrawal symptons i'm certainly not having!!! I'm ecstatic that i completed long ardous 13 years of school and now looking forward to the next step in my life:D
  17. zannaz

    Syd vs. NSW

    and that also comes on top off how hard you are willing to work!
  18. zannaz

    would you go to......

    Where/what is this??? is it the Carslaw Buildings???
  19. zannaz


    you may not care but people like me do care, alrite!
  20. zannaz


    For the simple purposes of knowing our ranks ( that is if you get in band 6)