Search results

  1. veanz

    P2P: downloading music

    Recently, some guys were caught using the Kazaa program and its got me thinking, what are the chances of me getting caught? I use a different free software. Personally, my motto is 'try before you buy' - and its not like im using it for commerical purposes or profits. Plus, anyone...
  2. veanz

    Share your fave snippets/quotes (from books, poetry, etc)

    Im curious as to what your favourite snippets are and why. :D Whether they be lines of poetry, novels or plays, i'd love for you to share them. I've a collected book of quotes, book of received ideas i call it - BORI, (in honour of Flaubert) which gives some sort of inspiration when im in...
  3. veanz

    Who's in on the farmacy fun?

    I know i know, its spelt with a ph and an 'f' gives connotations of something agricultural. But i wanted to be...alliterated. This is what 3 months of no school has done :S Is anyone else a bit freaked out by how many hrs we're to do in a week? Is there any chance of the uai cut off...
  4. veanz

    are you over ur UAI?

    in retrospect, i am. Sometimes i even forget what all the fuss is about. But maybe is cos im so verrrrrrrry bored and desperately want some sorta routine. And waiting another entire month seems very daunting. Do any of you feel like this?
  5. veanz

    Reccomended >> Angelas Ashes

    Its officially a favourite book of mine. :) 2 thumbs up. Its amazing how McCourt remembers and captures his outlook as a child. (I wish i could - and im only 18) Although many of Frank's circumstances are overhwelmingly desperate, the simplicity of the writing - the innoncence, honesty...
  6. veanz

    Your annoying/reliable news channels

    ABC does it for me, unbias, forward, trustworthy. (although some viewers have complained of their bias towards which case i dont really care) Actually mostly everything on that channel is quality. Foreign Correspondant, compass... Anyone agree? Although i also watch SBS, that...
  7. veanz

    19thC adaptations - gotta love (most) of them

    bugger im still kicking myself. Did anyone watch the Mayor Of Casterbridge on sunday night ABC? Was it good in terms of the book? thoughts? just wanted to also say, in realisation that i will be forever called a geek, that i love 19thC adapations. P&P. Wives & Daughters, Mansfield Park...
  8. veanz

    Lets make the RR the coolest place in BOS forum

    but how? >>> has anyone ever read any gay/lesbian erotica? post a steamy passage perhaps? lol >> have you read anything whilst naked? > is a book better or a movie adapataion/translation? post :eek: suggestions !!
  9. veanz

    Go>>> Books at Newtown! yaya

    OMG! Why did i not discover it earlier? It has about 4 second bookstores, just walk up and down either side of the main road. I reccomend it to anyone with out that much money too. AND the books are VERY well organised and in mostly in very good condition! Im so happy, i found a beautiful hard...
  10. veanz

    The Bride Stripped Bare

    Although im not a married woman, i believe there to be too much hype around this book. I'd rather read Anna Karenina..there is so much more intensity in desperation, imprisonment etc. I found myself skimming alot of the time. But I admire it being written entirely in the second person for...