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  1. Tommy_Lamp

    Model DC motor

    does anyone know how to build a DC motor in a lab..we did it but we didnt write it up and now i have to hand it in as part of an assessment. the one we did used matchboxes, a pencil with a coil of wire etc. but i cant remember what it looked like. does anyone have a diagram or know of a diagram...
  2. Tommy_Lamp


    I think a tumbleweed just rolled by
  3. Tommy_Lamp

    School Ranking

    i believe this is the right forum for this... i cant find anywhere that says where TAFE is ranked (more specifically brookvale TAFE) does it rank well? or poorly?
  4. Tommy_Lamp


    Does anyone here read any philosophy books? atm im reading Ethics by Aristotle, i find them really interesting. a good starting book for someone interested is "The Best Things in Life" by Peter Kreeft
  5. Tommy_Lamp

    Galvani, Volta, Davy and Faraday

    process information from secondary sources to outline and analyse the impact of the work of Galvani, Volta, Davy and Faraday in understanding electron transfer reactions i cant get the "understanding electron transfer reactions" bit, can anyone help?
  6. Tommy_Lamp


    I have this question that asks "A student found that 2.8g of butane burned to give out 72.4kJ of energy, calculate the the enthalpy of combustion of butane in kJ/mol" the mm of butane is 58.12, so do you divide 72.4 by 58.12?
  7. Tommy_Lamp


    this was in last yrs HSC paper: Q26) "Describe Einstein's contributions to Special Relativity and to Quantum Theory and how these contributions changed the direction of scientific thinking in the Twentieth Century" - 6 Marks I dont have any idea on how to answer this question, any...
  8. Tommy_Lamp

    There is no spoon?

    What are your views on spooning? Personally im all for it but i hear mates of mine saying is wierd and uncomfortable.
  9. Tommy_Lamp

    FOX News

    Does anyone here watch FOX news on cable? I must say that i watch the O'Reilly factor and Hannity and Colmes everyday, and ive come to a really cant believe anything these guys say and they enormous hypocrites. for example, in their usual Kerry-bashing rants, they had an...
  10. Tommy_Lamp

    Relationship Problems

    I dont know if people would be willing to share, seeing that there are alot of immature people on these forums, but i think we should have a thread where people can post there relationship problems and seek advice, rather then a starting a new thread each time. Obviously this will need to be...
  11. Tommy_Lamp

    Euro 2004 Champions Greece!!!!

    I Told You All!!!! Ahahahaha, Greece Rule Yoohoo!! Greece 1-0 Portugal!!!! Hellas!!! Hellas!!!
  12. Tommy_Lamp


    Hey, first thread, nice.. anyway, what is the environmental impact of the H2SO4 electrolyte in a Lead Acid cell? Is it just that you have to dispose of them in special containers?
  13. Tommy_Lamp


    If a girl/guy that youve been going out with for, say 6mths+ makes u choose between him/her or your friends, who would you choose? If it happened to me i would pick my friends because a girl who forces you to make that decision isnt for me.
  14. Tommy_Lamp

    Diploid/haploid chromosomes

    I have this assessment and one of the questions is: The cells have a diploid number of 26 (a) What does this mean (b) What is its haploid number (c) How many chromosomes are in the daughter cells after mitosis (d) how many chromosomes are in the daughter cells after meiosis, what are...
  15. Tommy_Lamp

    AC vs DC

    I need to know the Disadvantages of AC and DC but i cant find them anywhere, any suggestions?
  16. Tommy_Lamp


    Dont know if this has been asked before but... If i get say 70's across the board and rank no.1 in all the classes compared to 70's across the board and bottom of the classes, will this affect my UAI assuming my state rank remains the same?
  17. Tommy_Lamp

    MC Q i dunno

    this is the question... "A current of 2.0A flows in a wire. The number of electrons passing a point on the wire each second is: (A) 2.0 (B) 3.2x10^-19 (C) 6.3x10^18 (D) 1.3x10^19 has it got something to do with drift velocity? i have no clue...thanks
  18. Tommy_Lamp


    "use available evidence to gather and present data from secondary sources and analyse progress in the development and use of a named biopolymer. This analysis should name the specific enzyme(s) used or organism used to synthesise the material and an evaluation of the use or potential use of the...
  19. Tommy_Lamp


    dunno if u can predict a UAI from the first round of assessments, but if anyone can, it would be appreciated :) Maths (advanced) mark: 92/100 rank: 2/16 Phsyics mark: 75/100 rank: 5/13 Biology mark: 88/100 rank: 1/18 English standard mark: 89/100 rank: 2/31 Chemistry...
  20. Tommy_Lamp

    Year Structure

    i will be going to uSyd (hopefully) and was curious as to what the year structure is like, as in When the courses start, how many breaks u get and how long they go for, and when the year ends, thanks.