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  1. seremify007

    I finally drove a V8...

    w00t I finally drove a V8... ... and it wasn't that fast as I thought it would be? It felt a bit like there was a delay- at first, the needle moves up from 0 to about 40, and then shoots up to 70, and then goes back to climbing slowly? I was under the impression driving a V8 would be "bloody...
  2. seremify007

    "My posts"

    Just wondering how long that link has been there at the top... I only just noticed! Btw is it possible for that to be set so it displays results in a list of threads with details of the most recent poster rather than what we posted?
  3. seremify007

    Geisha of a Gion by Mineko Iwasaki

    Has anyone read this book? I'm thinking of buying it.. For those who don't know what it is about, it's the novel written by the person who Memoirs of a Geisha was based on. She was pretty peeved that Golden incorporated ideas of things such as virginity bidding into the novel, and led Iwasaki...
  4. seremify007

    Marking Centre Notes up!

    Correct multiguess answers are; 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 A 7 D 8 C 9 B 10 D 11 B 12 C 13 D 14 A 15 B 16 A 17 C 18 D 19 C 20 C Go here for the notes:
  5. seremify007

    Hand over Hand vs. Pull/Push steering method?

    Which one do you use? I feel like a n00b not knowing which one is which... I just keep my hands at 9 and 3, and then turn... if I need to turn more, i lift the hand up and pull down again *shrugs*
  6. seremify007

    Orientation Week 2006- you going?

    For those interested, UNSW Orientation Week (aka O-Week) is on Feb 20 to Feb 24. More info:
  7. seremify007

    What's "Laboratory" in Econ1202 Quadrangle Lab6?

    Just wondering what this is.. it says on my timetable; ECON1202 Laboratory Quadrangle Lab 6 (for Thursday 3pm) Any ideas what this means? All my other stuff are eithe rlectures or Tutorials... *is confused* :confused:
  8. seremify007

    Car sound system help~

    Could anyone please explain to me what this means? 3 x 20 Watts and 2 x 45 Watts, 7 Premium loudspeakers It's taken from...
  9. seremify007

    Should I buy a TV tuner from Aldi?

    Well, it's pretty cheap- $129 for an external USB2 tv tuner and it seems pretty good... from what I've heard, Aldi/Medion take their warranties very seriously when it comes to computer-gear... and I've always wanted a TV tuner for my PC. It says here in the catalogue- "External TV Tuner Box...
  10. seremify007

    B Commerce ROLL CALL

    I'm just curious to see how many ppl from my generation will be there... no offence intended to that other Team UNSW topic. If you aren't from the 2006ers... well, you can still post =] What are you intending to major/comajor in: For me, Accounting and Finance.
  11. seremify007

    Commerce enrolment Quick Q

    Hey there, I was just wondering if anyone can tell me if we are meant to enrol in all 6 of the matches for Accounting? <TABLE cellSpacing=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR class="data rowLowlight"><TD class=data>ACCT1501</TD><TD class=data>Accounting and Financial Management 1A </TD><TD...
  12. seremify007

    The Producers

    ... is a really crappy movie (in my humble opinion). Apparently it's popular in London, but I found it very... painful to watch. Maybe I'm too "uncultured" to appreciate it.
  13. seremify007

    Missed call: Winners Hotline

    Do any of you guys get that crap? I got a missed call so I went to ring it back and it turns out to be a "Winners Hotline"... I heard that in Japan some ppl did this and it turned out to be a premium number so I hung up asap... EDIT: 0385581442 <-- anyone know it?
  14. seremify007

    Q: Do we have to stop at roundabouts?

    Or do we just have to slow down? I'm not sure... and I wasn't sure where to ask.
  15. seremify007

    Anyone remember Urkel?

  16. seremify007

    Car Racing: Sim vs. Arcade

    What do you guys prefer? realistic sims (eg. gran turismo) or arcade (eg. project gotham racing, initial d, maximum tune, ridge racer, etc..) At the moment I'm playing Forza (it was $35!) and I have to admit, whilst it was pretty difficult to play at first (especially after playing PGR2...
  17. seremify007

    Page compression?

    <CENTER></CENTER>What exactly is the point of this bit at the bottom of every page? Doesn't it take up bandwidth to process that and display it-
  18. seremify007

    Windows Live (Hotmail, MSN, etc..)

    Anyone tried it yet? I got that signup email to try the new Hotmail and MSN Beta and so on... but I really can't be bothered making my PC unstable when everything works great as it is. Are there any new features worth trying out?
  19. seremify007

    Is there an easy way to see new replies to my posts?

    Just wondering.. 'coz everytime I come on BoS I have to go Search, Advanced, type in my username, and then search.
  20. seremify007

    When does 2006 actually start?

    Hey guys, sorry for my stupidity but I've looked on the UNSW site and around the forum but can't find an actual starting date? People have said "March" but I'm trying to find the exact date because my parents are trying to arrange a holiday. In case it's dependent on course, I'm planning to do...