Search results

  1. seremify007

    Neon Lights

    Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or advice regarding neon lights for cars. I'm interested in buying some to put on the underbody of my car (about to order an Astra Coupe CDX) and was wondering what I need to buy, and how should I go about installing them. I've seen some sets available...
  2. seremify007

    What was that school which only allowed top students to do the HSC?

    I'm trying to remember the name of that school... I heard about it on BoS- apparently they only let the top students sit the HSC and hence they received really good results/ranking this year. If possible could someone please link me to the news article about it? Thanks
  3. seremify007

    Accounting Cadets: UTS vs. UNSW

    I was just wondering if there are any cadets (either 2006 or existing cadets) whom have any thoughts on the UTS B Business vs. UNSW B Commerce debate. I'm leaning towards UNSW because I think the Finance side of things will be better than UTS's more generic course, but I'm also wondering if it's...
  4. seremify007

    Anyone undertaking fulltime work whilst studying part time?

    Lately I've noticed there are a lot of jobs for people like us (HSC-grads) which are full-time (such as clerical work and data entry) at companies like ING and Ernst & Young; so I was wondering if anyone is planning to pursue these career options. NB. I'm not referring to coops, cadetships...
  5. seremify007

    Standard Packages

    Is there any way to find out if you have gotten into standards packages? I really hope I get in (just to leave my mark of course)... I heard somewhere else on this site that someone was told they were in, but I was wondering if they tell everybody who gets in?
  6. seremify007

    Xbox 360 VIP Premiere Pack

    Did anyone buy the $149.95 pack and preorder the Xbox360 I wonder? For those who don't know, it's just something you can buy for $150 (on top of the $649 for the Xbox 360) which includes another wireless controller, Perfect Dark Zero, a limited edition faceplate and a Preview DVD, plus some...
  7. seremify007

    State Rankings (beyond 1st)

    Does anyone know if it's possible to view our rankings online in some form of official document (or is the only source- the newspapers from Saturday?) I'm referring to ranks other than first btw. Thx
  8. seremify007

    To the guy who posted the topic that 2u maths paper was easy...

    Just wondering how you went- I remember you posting on the forum that you found it really easy and so on... so I'm curious how you went because it seems a lot of ppl (whom I've talked to) didn't go as well as they should've in that paper. I didn't go that flash hot, but I went decently yet I...
  9. seremify007

    Cho Chang- Yay or Nay?

    She isn't as pretty as I thought she'd be... after all, it IS Harry Potter's asian fantasy.
  10. seremify007

    Celebration : We Won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I thought this deserved it's own topic! WOOOOOOOOOOH!!!
  11. seremify007

    School References

    Just wondering if you guys got yours- we got ours upon signing out today... I quite liked mine but I wonder if I'll ever use it.
  12. seremify007

    Accounting: Audit / Consultancy / Tax / ERS / etc..

    Just thought I'd ask if there were many users here on BoS who worked in accounting or other professional services firms... The big question is: How do you find it? ... or if you haven't started yet, what are your thoughts on it? ... and also because the EY thread was getting long and had a...
  13. seremify007

    Bank Bills

    Can anyone please explain bank bills to me? I've been thinking really hard about it and I am pretty sure I understand the concept of trading credit rating with the bank, but I don't really get how they work... I've asked my rents who are investors but they gave me the 'investor side' of things...
  14. seremify007

    HSC Leavers $35k @ ING!

    Am I the only one who just noticed this advertisement on the front page to ? $35k p.a. remuneration is pretty good for a HSC leaver although I do wonder what those job titles really mean... Gotta admit they are creative. Anyway I'm not really interested...
  15. seremify007

    W/L router buying advice- NOT NETGEAR!

    Atm.. I'm using a Netgear mr614, used to own an 814. Both of these were great when we got 'em but in less than a year they both overheated to the point where nothing works and I end up sitting here net-less for ages whilst i wait for 'em to cool down. I'm on Bigpond cable and appreciate that...
  16. seremify007

    UNSW -no.40 on World Rankings (SMH)

    Pity it dropped; but I still think it's great to be on the top 50^^ Although the name of the article from today's SMH... isn't exactly the nicest >_> Source:
  17. seremify007

    Anyone watch "Drive" (ch10, 4pm saturday)

    Just wondering what you guys thought... it looks a bit like a ripoff of BBC's Top Gear (i mean.. c'mon.. a ripoff of The Stig!)... but then at least it's an aussie show so that'll do. Although they lack the charm of the cockiness of Jeremy Clarkson (sp?) and his overconfidence... but then, he...
  18. seremify007

    Pride & Prejudice fans- Where to buy "These Three Remain"?

    Hey there, judging by the fact you clicked into this topic you are either wanting to tell me something about the novel These Three Remain or you are wondering what it has to do with Pride and Prejudice. Anyway, in short, it's part 3 of a series of novels by Pamela Aidan and it's pretty much a...
  19. seremify007

    No sequence & series >_> maybe because of 2u?

    I was disappointed there weren't any superannuation/deposit questions (well not to my memory)... focussed so much on them. Possibly because they were asked in 2u they didn't think to ask them again in 3? o_O *shrugs* Also not that much on trig.. which was surprising >_>
  20. seremify007

    If UAI is a rank, does the average person get a 50 then?

    Just wondering if that's true.