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  1. H

    From UNSW to Racecourse

    What is the quickest way to get there? Is there a bus from UNSW to the racecourse?
  2. H

    How does one get a retail job?

    Like all I hear from the stores I've applied at is that you need some experience in retail. And the problem begins for me here. Where do you get this experience when you dont have any? Is there a starting point because a lot of the stores I've applied at say that they want someone with something...
  3. H

    Low Skilled Jobs

    What does the ability to ramble on about shit and trying to sell it and discussing with people who speak muddy english about whether or not customers in a carpark who require assistance to move a large tv into their car is more important then a fellow employer who also requires assistance in...
  4. H

    Question: What do you think you'll add to the company?

    What do you think you'll add to the company? How would you answer this during an interview? Just need some ideas.
  5. H

    Introducing Yourself

    Have an interview this Friday, never been in an interview and this happens to be a group interview as well. At some point during this interview, I believe I would be asked to introduce myself. Whilst I have lots of things to say about myself, I think some of it may be irrelevant or completely...